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08/17/2002 Entry: "Melbourne! Yes!! Please?"

Melbourne! Yes!! Please?

I'm such an ass, I came here to do my work and all I've done so far is open my e-mail and blog. This morning I got up really early and went to the lab, only to find that I've forgotten to bring my student card. So I went shopping around for airfares, just for the heck of it. I've got a break coming up in September, and initially I planned to go to Auckland, but then I thought maybe Wellington would be a better idea, since I'll be in Auckland for awhile in February anyway.. and then I thought, while checking out airfares, why not go to Melbourne to see my girlfriends? Which sparked a whole new chain of ideas..

I could do proper shopping! Go to proper clubs! Eek..! Yes, going to Melbourne during Spring break would definately be a thirst quencher for socially-parched me. I checked the airfares and the flights cost about NZ$660 (inclusive airport taxes and GST) - a bit pricey, but in Melbourne I wouldn't have to worry about accomodation. I did think of going to Sydney, (NZ$580) but accomodation would kill me, since it's a little too late to notify my uncle I would be needing his studio unit for a week. Unless, of course I take a detour to Singapore to pick up the keys.. and if I could afford that I might be better off renting a place for a week. Pfft. No Sydney. Melbourne, maybe..

And if that doesnt work out, a flight to Christchurch where Miss Zia is would set me back a mere NZ$178, provided I confirm by Monday. Doesn't give me alot of time to decide does it? Sigh.. airline stuff is so tedious!

Last night there was a little party at my place. My housemates transformed the living room into a dancefloor, with disco lights and everything, and I was watching them breakdancing and jumping around and cheering each other on.. pretty fun bunch, my housemates. The boys even started stripping, for laughs, but they only got down to their shirts. I slept early last night, was very tired.. thats why I woke up so early this morning.

After shopping for airfares, I got myself a gym membership. It's too convienient, just across the road from my place, and there's even a rock climbing facility. I booked myself in for assessment on Monday, so you can find out how much body fat I posess then.. and then only if it's not too embarassing to blog about. Can't wait, really. I need to stay in shape. I can feel myself going out of shape slowly but surely - I can swear my thighs have started inflating by themselves.. and to console myself, I went out and bought a pair of size 9 super low jeans, just to convince myself I can still fit into a size 9 - I'm usually a 10, but I can wear some 8's. These are British/Australian sizes, mind you - A size 10 would be equivalent to a US 6, I think. Whatever.

Then I went to RSA with Jimi and Wan - I applied for membership, which is 25 bucks, and playing snooker is absolutely free. So is pool. What a bargain! I won the first game with both of them, and tied with Jimi on the second one.. whee.. and now I'm at the labs..

I have no life. I want to go to Melbourne.. now to convince dad..

Replies: 1 Comment

don't come.

Posted by evol @ 08/18/2002 04:11 AM GMT

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