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08/21/2002 Entry: "Aching in places"
Aching in places
OMG, yesterdays gym session was gruelling! My legs are so sore that I can't even walk down the stairs properly. My trainer Vaughn put me thought one hour of legwork, and after he was done with me my legs felt like jelly and a half. Next session on Friday will be for my upper body, and the one after that will be for my arms. He's set on me being there 3 times a week, plus general cardio on Sundays. OMG. How am I gonna go through all that? I was gonna go on Thursday before 3pm class, but after yesterday I changed my mind - no way I'm gonna make it anywhere near class after a mad upper body workout. Sigh.. the things I put myself through. Vaughn had a good laugh at my expense when I told him I didn't need such an intentive program - he said it's pretty basic! Hiaks.. I'm in bad shape I guess.. althought Vaughn doesn't seem to think so. He says my body needs to get accustomed to it and the best way to do it is to shock my body into getting used to it. I'm shocked all right.
Vaughn told me to take a hot bath, which I don't have, so a shower had to do instead. And lots of mentholatum stuff I got from Jimi. When I woke up this morning I didn't even want to get out of bed because I was aching in places I didn't know existed.. oh man.. the pain.
On the good side, I just got my interim critique back two seconds ago and my lecturer seems to think I did well. She gave me a bunch of A's and said my typographic sensibilities are improving. I guess thats good? She also said I regularly exceeds rquirements, but on the bad side I'm not open enough to change and not taking enough risks. That's me, the low-risk person. Why risk anything when you can be sure? Hmm.. well admittedly sometimes I do wish I was more of a risk person - of course I take risks, but not enough of it. Being low-risk makes me dependable (read: boring and predictable) and things do get mundane after awhile.
Oh well. Being in Wanganui gives me no chance to take many risks anyway, blah. Blah. I'm in a bit of a blah mood today. Wish I was back home. Wish I was somewhere else. Anywhere but here. Anywhere but there. Wish I could have my hot chocolate at Starbucks. Wish I had my car. Any car. Need to get out of here. Need to.. bah. At least my friends are cool.
Replies: 5 comments
Since when were you in NZ?? You could have at least told me before you left you know :P
Posted by Redza @ 08/22/2002 02:35 AM GMT
Redza she been gone for a while, how are you gf #1? I need your NZ. There might be a chance that I might move to MY for a job. ehheh
Posted by Chris @ 08/22/2002 06:17 PM GMT
heh, sounds fun
Posted by evan @ 08/23/2002 02:26 AM GMT
i can imagine. You;re so fat , i guess u felt u were really getting laid while you move fast when you were running.Bronson Chin-ha!
Posted by woo hoo! @ 08/24/2002 01:45 AM GMT
feeling like i'm getting laid? hmm.. guess if that were the case, it'd be better than you not getting laid at all.. eh?
Posted by fuzzy @ 08/26/2002 08:04 AM GMT
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