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10/02/2024 Entry: "Mimpi"
Dammit, I don't know whats wrong with me. I wake up at 9 for a 12pm class, and then only to find that all of today's 12pm classes have been moved to 1pm because of a student council meeting. Went jogging this morning, didn't want to go to the gym because Vaughan just wrote me a new 6-day program and I'm starting on it tonight. On the way back I stopped at a bakery in Aramoho and bought some really really really nice sandwiches.. ever tried roast lamb and mint jelly sandwiches? They're just the best! And their cheese and onion sandwich is overloaded with cheese. All for 2 bucks a pack. Major value! I think I'm gonna try make it a point to stop by there when I don't have 8am classes and try out their chicken avocado wraps and focaccia bread. Yum Yum. I devoured 3 packs of sandwiches this morning and had another for lunch.
I am so stuffed. I'm in class if you're wondering, only that it's 12:30pm and class starts at 1pm. And in my rush I left my mobile at home. Dammit. I'm one of those people that feel really lost without their mobile phones. How lame.
Ooh. Just remembered. I'm thinking of chopping somemore hair off. The bits where I bleached last year because I wanted pink hair (If you've been reading my blog for that long you'll remember the pictures!) are giving me serious problems. They're maxed out. Dry as Sahara. Split like a banana. You get the idea. I cut some of it off already because it was tangling so damn badly, and the weather here isn't helping any. The rest of my hair is also splitting, even though I've chopped 4 inches off it already. Help! What do I do now? Go short? Go shoulder lenght? Go bald?! Eep.
Or maybe I'll just try Fudge's One Shot (some hair repair thingie) and see if that helps any. Blah. Having long hair is nice but it's such a pain to maintain. Especially if it's as fine as mine is.
Semalam mimpi aku kelakar gile.. sebab semalam rumah kita ada tetamu dari M'sia - orang Islam pulak tu, so kena layan le.. boring gile. Mereka tu orang yg kuat agama pulak tu, so kena lecture gile tentang agama Islam.. masa mereka datang tu aku tengah masak, nak makan pun segan.. tapi makan jugak.. hehe. So I termimpi I masuk agama Islam.. pakai tudung, sembahyang 5 kali sehari etc etc.. Pagi ni I bangun risau gile sebab tetamu semalam tu.. menakutkan sikit le.. nasib baik mereka dah belah. Kalau erserempak kat tengah jalan kan, I rasa I akan lari sial.. ish ish.
Nasib baik sekadar mimpi je.
OK, gotta go get ready for class. I have a five hour day today instead of six - yay!
Replies: 9 comments
omg ur malay sounds SO malay :-D
Posted by grace @ 10/02/2024 02:26 PM CST
Goodness... the slang is all there... gd to see that NZ hasnt taken your malaysian(ness) away ya...
Posted by LuC @ 10/02/2024 04:43 PM CST
avid reader of ur blogs.but..whats with the "dahla orang islam pulak tuh"?..sounds kinda shallow to me.i hope im not getting it the wrong way.cos im a muslim and a chinese muslim at that..whats wrong about wearing a tudung and praying 5 times a day?they're ppl too arent they?
and yeah ur malay sounds malay.
Posted by boix @ 10/03/2024 12:37 AM CST
hey memang kelakar gile tu... kenape kau suka guna gile?? ish.. memang pencemaran bahasa lar... kahkahkah.. tapi memang kelakar la.. (minus the offending part)
Posted by lee.way. @ 10/03/2024 02:35 AM CST
the coolest entry of urs. haha
Posted by jo5 @ 10/03/2024 03:28 AM CST
boix, no offense at all.. in case you're wondering i'm living with 4 malays in my flat and they're the coolest. just that this guy was one of those tablik (however ya spell that!) people that come and lecture us and stuff.. not me tho... and nothing wrong with wearing a tudung, i just can't imagine ME doing that - but i love baju kurung eh.. i used to wear them in school.
lee.way - alah, u pun sama jugak kan. nget.
Posted by fuzzy @ 10/03/2024 04:32 PM CST
ahahah! lmfao.
you're crazy, sooks. *hug*
Posted by tiff @ 10/03/2024 04:54 PM CST
lol *oh god....my stomach hurts* =P
Posted by evan @ 10/03/2024 10:13 PM CST
fuzzy: u pakai tudung? lol. with brazillian wax. hur hur.
Posted by potatoe @ 10/05/2024 12:06 AM CST