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11/13/2002 Entry: "Pixel"

My kitten has a new name - Pixel.

Wish I could bring him back, he's the sweetest thing. He falls asleep on my shoulders when I do my work. And he climbs up my legs, ruins all my jeans, but I love him anyway. I'd post some pics but labs are closing.. I finished all my work yesterday and I'm expecting nothing less than stellar grades. I hope I survive this. I need to.

Wish me luck, I love you all.

Replies: 4 comments

Good luck with your grades

Posted by killuminati @ 11/13/2002 05:33 PM GMT

go girl! we can do it ourselves, even better than guys!

Posted by lil girl @ 11/14/2002 01:38 AM GMT

cool name

Posted by a person who drops by @ 11/14/2002 05:24 AM GMT

Reminded me of a cat in a comic strip. Anyway, unique name!

Posted by nh @ 11/14/2002 11:00 AM GMT

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