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11/24/2002 Entry: "Being back."

Just got back from the city with my mom. We went shopping, and for the first time ever I didn't feel like shopping. I didn't buy anything, wasn't interested in buying anything, but I do have to buy another pair of trainers and a handphone before I go back to NZ. I've developed an obsession with Nike. Can't help it. Ugh. Nike Nike Nike.

Checked out some EAS supplements while I was at KL Plaza. The prices here are amazing. RM 559 for a tub of Betagen? WTF? I can get it for less than half the price in NZ. And the Myoplex bars I take cost RM 11 each.. I brought 2 boxes of 12 back and they only cost NZ 50. Thank God I had the foresight to buy 2 months worth of supplements before I came back. And the protein shakes cost RM 249 for a box of 20 packs. Yikes.

Didn't do much else in the city. Weighed myself when I came back and I'm about 4 kilos lighter than when I left. And I put on about 3 kilos in my first month there. Major psyched about that. It's not that hard maintaining the tone once you've got some. I pushed hard for 3 months and I'm going easy now, I think I can probably make it to the gym 3 times a week now and still maintain the same tone I have right now. No need to go 6 times a week. I've been waking up very early since I got back, so tomorrow I'll go do some cardio in the morning. Cardio works best first thing in the morning. You burn more fat and your metabolic rate goes up as much as 300% as compared to cardio in the afternoon.

I'm gonna take up pilates while I'm here. Just need to find a place. Anyone knows of anywhere I can do that? I know Clark Hatch in Mont Kiara has pilates on Sundays but that gym isn't very impressive.

I've been talking to my mom this morning about leaving early. I told her I need to go somewhere. She suggested I go with her to Beijing while my dad's in Shanghai. I'm very tempted to spend Christmas in Beijing with her. I'm not sure yet though, because Tiff called yesterday and she's going back to Canada on the 9th of January or something like that and I might follow her back then go to NZ from there.. but I know Canada is freezing at this time of the year, so.. sigh. Hong Kong sounds tempting too. Besides these places, I can't think of anywhere else I'd like to go, except for the UK, but I can't afford accomodation there for 2 weeks. Oh yeah, New York sounds good, too.. but Tiff will probably go straight back to Canada, don't suppose she'll be going to New Jersey anytime soon? I've always wanted to go to New York, and someone there owes me a drink or two :)

Damn. Tiff e-mail me ASAP. I need to book flights as soon as I can.

Kuala Lumpur hasn't changed much at all. Everything is still the same, only me that's changed. I find myself changing everyday. Sigh.

Jimi just graduated yesterday and we've been sms-ing each other. Apparently the ceremony was really fun and someone thought I was his girlfriend. Actually, alot of people thought I was his girlfriend. I think it's because we hang out alot together. I miss Jimi. I miss most of my housemates in NZ, as well as some of my classmates, and some other friends that I've made while I was there. I miss David and his weird ability to make me smile at everything. I miss my senior being a total man-bitch. I miss bickering over who's gonna do the washing up. I miss walking to the lab in the middle of the night. I miss taking self-declared 10 minute cigarette breaks. I miss my kitten most of all.

Mom and dad's getting me a car next semester. I can't wait to get back there and pick one out. Cars are so cheap there. I've got my eye on a nice little Mazda 2 door and it only costs about 9Gs. I'm selling off my car here soon.. I'm sure gonna miss it! So much has happened in my car. I used to pick the girls up and go clubbing. I had accidents in it. I drove to Melaka last birthday in it with my boyfriend.

So many changes in so little time. I'm getting jaded. I need a holiday!

Replies: 9 comments

looks like you're falling for jimi...

Posted by nappy @ 11/25/2002 02:31 AM GMT

ehehehe,jimi not bad after all....

Posted by 'lil girl @ 11/25/2002 06:14 AM GMT

hey steph, this tiff's housemate Kayla....pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease come
thank you

Posted by Kayla @ 11/25/2002 08:05 AM GMT

oo goody! do more travelling..
perhaps Korea if u cannot decide where to go.

Posted by lil boy @ 11/25/2002 09:43 PM GMT

lol, no :) jimi's one of my close friends.. and we go chick-hunting together. sort of.

Posted by fuzzy @ 11/26/2002 12:49 PM GMT

hey Stephanie,

Good to have you back, forget it. It's really shallow for ppl to want some ppl for their looks, not that I'm saying he is but sure does sounds like it. What the heck. Keep your site up. *smile*
On another note, I'm living in UK. Gimme a buzz if you're here. *big smile*.

Posted by Madelene @ 11/26/2002 02:10 PM GMT


Oh Brilliant! You're back here, been anticipating your virtual presence. Anyway, it's shallow to want someone for the way they look, not that I'm saying he is but it does sound like it. I reckon you should definately go for a hol, let loose. Take care and oh by the way, I'm living in the UK, drop me a buzz if u're here. *smile*

Posted by Madelene @ 11/26/2002 02:17 PM GMT

just wondering-why are things fucking up towards year end? I mean, things have been alright the last few years but from this year , nonsense in forms of breakups,deaths and such have been taking place.

Posted by nappy @ 11/26/2002 04:31 PM GMT

because satan is down to earth. if you guys remember 666.

Posted by =) @ 11/27/2002 01:20 AM GMT

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