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12/17/2002 Entry: "So this is you.."
Woke up bloody hyper this morning and decided to wash my car. Still hyper, so I polished it. Bloody tiring, but I got to sweat it out and it was fun, in a way. Watched the repeat of Homecoming on TV at noon because Douglas is in it (and Eleana's name is in the credits!) and rushed of for a haircut.
Finally treated myself to a long overdue pampering sesh at Peek-A-Boo. I went in today to get a haircut, but the condition of my hair was soooo bad my stylist gave me a treatment. I came out feeling alot better about my hair and I swear I will never ever bleach my hair again. I don't even know why I wanted pink streaks when I did and now I'm suffering the consequences of overprocessing my hair. Think I'll go in again before I leave. I have a layered fringe now (as opposed to my chunky geometric one before) and I kinda like it. It's soft.
My MNG obsession is back and it's all Eleana's fault. I saw this really nice black column dress that I want to pick up, and two pairs of jeans. And a bunch of tops. Hehe. We're going next week again to shop properly (and make sure we've got the money, haha!) December is such a crazy party month and a dress would definately be useful. I don't have many dresses. All of a sudden I'm in a shopping mood, and I'm gonna go shop for some presents tomorrow. I've just decided to on a whim, so I have no idea what I want to buy but I've always enjoyed shopping for other people. So what if I'm not celebrating Christmas?
Replies: 2 comments
oh u know douglas lim personaly?
Posted by mem @ 12/18/2002 12:27 AM GMT
err.. yeah :) poker kaki. hiaks.
Posted by fuzzy @ 12/18/2002 02:23 AM GMT
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