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12/24/2002 Entry: "The day before Christmas"
One day before Christmas.
Taking my usual 10 minutes in the morning to reflect and think - it's like, aikz, tomorrow's Christmas and I still haven't figured out what it means to me this year. Although it's not the first time I'm celebrating it without a significant other, I kinda wish I had someone special to celebrate it with this time round. Kinda. I think its more like I miss all the plotting and planning and gift shopping and getting all dressed up for Christmas Eve dinner and seeing someone else so happy and that makes all the trouble worth it.
Two years ago around the time I met Bronson, I was actually sort of getting to know someone else. I went to mass with him, then back round to his place for singing and some wine with his family. I remember being fascinated by all the effort they put into the celebrations and the tree still remains the most beautifully decorated one I've seen in anyone's house. After everyone else went to sleep, he dimmed the lights and we slow danced to Frank Sinatra next to the christmas tree. The whole thing was just so beautifully romantic but unfortunately he wasn't the kind of person I could go out with seriously, so we left things at that and I went out with Bronson.
I never really celebrated christmas at home. When I was younger, all I can remember is christmas tea parties at Raintree Ampang with all the other kids from rich families and I hated it because they always got what they wanted and my parents didn't want to spoil me so all I got was books. Don't get me wrong, I love books but I just wished I got toys and nintendos for once like everyone else. I never believed in santa, either. I was a cynical kid.
Now that I'm older I've stopped wishing for what I want for christmas and go out and get it for myself instead and this year I already have everything I want so I really couldn't ask for more.. except maybe someone to share it with.. but then again with friends like mine, I don't need a someone :)
So yeah, to all my friends, you know who you are.. thanks for standing by me. I love you all, and Merry Christmas!
Replies: 9 comments
merry christmas! n_n
Posted by midnite lily @ 12/24/2002 06:00 PM GMT
what, didnt you know that santa is only for white kids?
Posted by gace @ 12/24/2002 07:12 PM GMT
He'll be over there soon ;-)
Posted by HoUrGLaSs @ 12/25/2002 05:44 AM GMT
hey fuzzy :) Merry Christmas! Hope you had a good time last night, and that CK dress you bought (:p) served its purpose! ;) Take care and have fun
Posted by Lisa @ 12/25/2002 09:47 AM GMT
Hey girl...sorry i haven't been catching up with you lately. i haven't forgotten you though, Merry Christmas...and happy holidays. *muah*
Posted by p3arLy @ 12/25/2002 11:46 AM GMT
merry christmas fuzz!
Posted by Jamie @ 12/25/2002 12:02 PM GMT
Merry Christmas everyone :)
Caroline, it's been awhile since I caught up with you.. me and Bron are no more. :) I'm back in KL, by the way.
Pearly/Jamie/Lily: Merry merry Christmas!! *Huggggzzz*
Lisa, who are you? :) I didn't mention a CK dress, hmm. Merry xmas!
Posted by fuzzy @ 12/25/2002 12:51 PM GMT
Ohhhh.. Lisa! :) HEY! It just hit me who you were, lol.. no, didn't wear that dress out though. Hope you guys didn't get too trashed last night.
Posted by fuzzy @ 12/25/2002 12:52 PM GMT
Merry X'mas Steph..even though it's a day late. Had an awful day which took the wind outta me..relationships suck esp. during the holiday season. Enough to brand it a Bah Hambug day even...
Anyway, hope you had a good one. *hugz*
Posted by RaYz @ 12/25/2002 09:22 PM GMT
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