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12/29/2002 Entry: "Extract"

I need a day off from my holiday to catch up on sleep. Argh.

Been reading your interesting e-mails/comments on my previous post. I'm rather intrigued by the whole thing. Maybe I should do more research on these 'modern relationships' for my thesis and explore the culture through design. There's a thought (and a challenge!) I have yet to find a good subject for my degree project, but I have a plan B at hand. I'm just looking for something better.

Lunch at Aida's was good yesterday. It wasn't hard looking for her house, and the food was so good. Aida's mom is a real good cook, so I can see where she learnt it from. Tried roti jala with kuah durian yesterday. Didn't think I'd like it (sounds disgusting doesn't it?) but it's actually quite nice. I've been exploring alot of different foods lately and so far I haven't met anything I really dislike. Had to be on my best behaviour the whole time because alot of 'important' people were there, like datuks and tuns etc, was dying for a smoke for two hours until Jimi and Sal arrived and saved me. I turned out to be the ONLY chinese there in a house full of malays, there were maybe 30-40 people there. Thank God I'm familiar with malay protocols. Food was really really good though :)

Went back later that evening and got ready for the Kent Extract party in Sepang. Carmen got us free tickets and a VIP parking sticker, so we got to drive up right to the entrance. We came prepared with an ice box full of booze, and the whole party was amazing. It was huge, so many people were there and I bumped into alot of people I haven't seen in ages. Me and Eleana had alot of fun wandering around the place. I was wearing my cargos, with chocolate, gum and vodka stashed in my pockets. Hehe. Making people drink is fun. So much for keeping my bottle for new year's eve - think there's still half left. Adrian's Black Label was finished within the first 15 minutes.

Hung out mainly in Area 9. Waited till Sasha came out, but Smokin Jo did a pretty good job building the crowd up before he came on. I was wearing trainers, but my feet are still sore from last night's non-stop dancing. We left at 5:30 am, but the party went on till morning. Madness. I love outdoor raves like these. Fell asleep in the car on the way home. I was soooo tired but I felt like partying till sunrise.

It was a good night. I had so much fun.

Gonna meet up with Lara later to look at her vacation pics.. hehe. Then there's Jimi's open house and birthday to go to at night. I better get somemore sleep.. sigh.

Replies: 5 comments

Your vodka really killed me there.... almost puke after taking the last shot hahaha.... hey everyone is going ascott?? nobody tell me anything... so mean

Posted by David Thong @ 12/30/2002 11:47 AM GMT

u were there too? me too. it was a great party just ended too early. well it was too fast for me.

Posted by Rat[Z] @ 12/30/2002 02:26 PM GMT

one shot only ma, david..

Posted by fuzzy @ 12/30/2002 10:30 PM GMT

sepang was sooooo good...got completely wasted. I wore the wrong shoes though... in an attempt to be fashionable and up to date, i wore my cowboy boots with my jeans stashed in a-la Kate Moss with a tie n dye top which i got from thailand - very boho-chic(refer Australian Vogue Dec. 2002)..though receiving a lot of compliments from fellow friends and strangers, it causes my feet to hurt like mad.. and from all the dancing and twirling i did the whole night, i may as well be shooting my own feet with an M-16. It was a good night though...big up to smoking jo for a very, very good set....cheers

Posted by farel @ 01/02/2024 04:37 PM GMT

ooh, i was almost gonna do the same (boots, baby!) but i remembered the last time i did that at a rave and ditched the idea last minute and went for my cargos instead. i feel ya :)

Posted by fuzzy @ 01/03/2024 02:52 AM GMT

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