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01/22/2003 Entry: "Idiots!"
Mom and dad has launched an all-out financial war on me. I know I've been spending too much and I did deserve that 2-hour long lecture on budgeting.. so why am I not feeling all that guilty? Hmm. Guess I won't be buying my Creed perfume after all.. blek :)
Did a shitload of running around today which will be pretty much the same for tomorrow. I was so damn pissed off at my travel agency for screwing up my tickets for the 3rd time and I haven't felt that pissed in ages. The KL office was supposed to send them down to the PJ office for collection and they told me it would be in after lunch today, and it wasn't. I only managed to find out after 2 bloody hours, because the damn staff were all too busy and everytime I asked them something they'd tell me to wait until I finally lost my patience and demanded an answer.. and they checked (it took 10 seconds!) and told me there was a glitch. It wasn't pretty. I was so pissed off I called the KL office to screw them up and they apologized and blamed the runner. And the damn thing is even fully paid for already, the last time the ticket was supposed to be there for collection and it wasn't.
Talk about major inefficiency! I was so high-strung the rest of the day. Argh. If this happens again tomorrow I'm gonna blow. I have to wake up in the morning and pick it up, dammit.. which means I have to go to sleep right about now.
Replies: 4 comments
It's only 2 hours of lecture. At least you did not spend anything suring the 2 hours. Btw, try earning some of your own $.
Posted by Derder @ 01/22/2003 03:49 PM GMT
what makes u think i dont? :) to my parents it doesnt matter if its their money or my own money im spending, as long as to them it's spending too much.
Posted by fuzzy @ 01/22/2003 04:01 PM GMT
I like money! =)
Posted by Nael @ 01/22/2003 07:34 PM GMT
who doesn't? :O)
p.s. love your site, fuzzy
Posted by alcee @ 01/23/2003 01:12 AM GMT