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01/29/2003 Entry: "Being girly"
I'm in a snap-happy mood. Updated my snapshots with a couple of pictures from Jan and took a whole lot more today, yesterday, day before.. LOL. I'm having so much fun it's unbelievable.
Went 'shopping' with the girls and Roy today, dropped in Basheer to pick up some books for my degree project research - Experimental Packaging - and I found a book I've been looking for forever; it's the Art of Looking Sideways, and it's a really good read. There's another book, Creative Advertising by Mario Pricken, which I checked out from my library in NZ before it was even on the shelves, also which I'd recommend to everyone in the creative industry just to read. There is a whole shitload of brainstorming techniques and concepts which I found extremely useful, and I'd buy it but it was sold out in Page One. I'm still looking for it, but in the meantime I've got xeroxes of it from my library copy.
I also picked up a book of spells for the heck of it, and a DKNY shirt I wanted last month but was too broke to buy it. Also stopped by Imbi Plaza to buy black CDRs and some PC games to bring back to NZ. We had a drink in Dome and I left for KLCC to meet up with Barrie for dinner. Went mad with Lai Min in KLCC before Barrie turned up, we went window shopping and I bumped into the nicest Tiffany & Co. bracelet ever.. little silver heart links with one solid gold heart. Unfortunately it's also a little out of my budget but a girl can dream :) Lai Min bought a bracelet from there but it was a different one. Then we went to Prada.. argh. I hate the place simply because there's too many things I like and nothing I can afford. Yep, a girl can dream. Cartier is worse. Someone bought me a ring from there for my birthday some time back and I only just found out how much it cost. Siauness. We just basically went from one designer shop to another oogling at the stuff we can't afford (well, I don't know about Lai Min but I sure as heck can't!) It was fun.
Dinner with Barrie was fantastic. It was really good catching up with him, we've always gotten along really well as friends and whenever I'm with him I feel like we can never run out of things to say. I was supposed to meet my friends at 10pm but I only managed to leave the restaurant at 11pm! Somehow we managed to cram 2 years of catching up into 3 hours and we'd probably have stayed on if not for my appointment. Barrie's one of the nicest people I know.
Chill was fun. I had about 4 vodkas and a cocktail, and what started as a small gathering turned into a pretty big one. Q turned up with Tracy and Alex joined us later on. Conversation was hilarious, and as usual wherever we go, we're always the noisiest table in the house. I'm gonna miss my friends.
I'm dead tired.. nitey.
Replies: 5 comments
you know what...just by looking at the first pic in your newly updated snapshots, i feel an almost unbearable urge to drink some cranberry juice + vodka. that wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for the fact that it's 8 am in the morning. very nice photo, that one.
i want to be home damnit :/
Posted by t @ 01/29/2003 03:04 PM GMT
heh you know where to get design magazines or books? argghhh.....hope it is not too expensive.
Posted by evan @ 01/30/2003 05:00 PM GMT
basheer graphic books in bb plaza, page one in lot 10, how and why in ss2..
Posted by fuzzy @ 01/31/2003 01:56 PM GMT
Posted by evan @ 02/01/2024 04:21 PM GMT
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