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03/06/2024 Entry: "Comedy of Errors"

I should be shopping for ideas online but once again I find myself reluctantly clicking on the log in button and er, logging in. Then staring blankly at the screen for a while. It's work day in class today, six hours of computer time and I don't really have all that much work so I suppose blogging is justified.

Whole bunch of wierd things happened to me yesterday. Almost fell asleep in packaging yesterday, too. It was my last class, and I had to make a major major effort to stay awake because Hazel was teaching that class. In case you don't know who Hazel is, she's the queen of the school. Big boss. And she wasn't in a good mood yesterday. Shot down my ideas faster than I could say 'unh' and then she got a pair of scissors and cut my mock up box apart - said that she didn't expect crap like this from an A-student. Sigh. Had to admit I put it together last minute so I really can't complain. Almost everyone got into shit, and one thing I've learnt never to say to Hazel is 'I don't know what I'm doing' - one of the girls said that yesterday and Mt. Hazel just erupted.

Went back dead dog tired, and very very hungry because I didn't have time to eat at all and only had a sandwich till 6pm, and walked to Burger King with David.. but he wanted to go to Subway and that was another 2 blocks away and I almost died of hunger walking there. He headed home straight after that (not staying at the flats at the moment and his place's an hour's walk away) and left me to walk home alone. Bugger.

Stupid stomach was killing me, and Lai Min hooked me up with some Novaluzid when I got back to the flats and had somemore food. It worked. I was almost doubled over before - sigh. Was so dead but had some energy from some Guarana drink I had in Subway so I sat around and did some brainstorming for my Fragile project. Just finished presenting and Debbie loves it. Phew. Had some work to do for Fashion Graphics class too, but was way too tired to do it.

Then at 1am I get an SMS from A* and him and his friend were at Buzz Bar earlier on and he wanted to come over. Then I get another text asking if he could stay with me. NONO NO NO NONO, that is so wrong in so many ways. Then I get a confessional of sorts, saying that he liked me and now he knows and won't have to be wondering about me all the time etc.. How do I handle this? I assume he was pissed so I just told him to go home and sober up. He apologized to me this morning but hey, I'm cool with it as long as you don't go too far. He's a good friend so I hope this won't affect our friendship. A's really nice too but that's as far as it goes for me.

While getting these SMSes my phone rings and I had a panic attack thinking it was A outside my house or something but it turned out to be Roy. Phew. Had a good laugh with Roy and relaxed a bit and finally hit the sheets at 2am.

Woke up at 7:45 this morning totally missing my 7am alarm, panicked somemore and rushed out of my room to look for Ryan (flatmate/classmate) and he reminded me CGD always starts at 8:30 (because the class is so big) so I got my act together in the record time of 5 minutes and went to school.

Sigh. Now I gotta brainstorm for a name for my fashion magazine and perhaps some concepts for the direction of the magazine. Help!

Replies: 5 comments

Hmm lets see, is the magazine about fashion in general or are you focusing it on a specific category of fashion. For example we'll use handbags, the styles and different types of handbags. Cause I had publication design class and one girl in my class did it on the fashion of handbags. She even cut a rectangular hole on the mag so you could hold it like a handbag. Hope I hepled. =)

Posted by arlee @ 03/06/2024 03:43 PM GMT

not specific, it's a class collaboration. concentrating on art and fashion - more conceptualizing on content vs format ;) but thanks!

Posted by fuzzy @ 03/06/2024 04:33 PM GMT

how abt simply divine?

Posted by a-bitch @ 03/06/2024 07:18 PM GMT

hazel sounds very full on. my suggestion for the magazine name is "sleepless dreams". not very original but its a nice play of words. :)

Posted by killuminati @ 03/06/2024 08:17 PM GMT

Ok, i'm not trying to be nasty but i think a cool name for a magazine for fashion would be 'kunt'. I know ur thinking sick.. but hang on. its controversal, stands out. it'll be free advertising with all the attention etc and technically it means 'grassy meadows' in some european dialect. it'll be similar to the 'fcuk' brand here in the UK.

more urban feel to the magazine, lots of sexy pics, glam rock, maybe a section for up and coming fashion designers to show there wares, pics from shows at fashion schools etc..

good luck

Posted by Kieu @ 03/07/2024 05:32 AM GMT

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