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03/10/2024 Entry: "Eraser"
Talk about a bad week. Friday night, my hard drive went bust. Long story. Spent 4 hours praying and messing around with my pc wiring and cables to make sure everything else is OK, and then panicked like mad, called a whole bunch of people and basically flipped. Unfortunately for me, my hard drive did die on me, taking down with it a whole 3 year's worth of data and my entire last semester's work, and all my degree project progress.. however little that may be.
Sigh. Bad week. Had to go buy a new 40GB drive from Palmerston North (and for that price I can get an 80GB drive with an 8MB cache back home) so I'm definately not happy about that. And as for data recovery, it costs NZ1500 just to get the guy to look at it with no guarantee if your files can be recovered. There's only one guy around the region that does this. Plus, now my bank account is minus a couple of hundred bucks and I'm due for a trip down to Wellington on Thursday with my Graphics for Fashion class so it means I can't spend much either.
Thank God Q was on call (LOL) as my technical support. I've just spent the whole of Sunday reinstalling stuff back into my computer and I still haven't finished. I have a shitload of stuff to install, and right now I'm abusing the library's internet connection downloading windows updates and security stuff. Not that I have internet anyway so not much use for security patches. Bugger. Office XP updates take forever. Don't really need them but at this stage, why not? It's so damn tedious to reconfigure a brand new OS to work the way you're used to it working. I lost a majority of my fonts as well, so that ain't good. I have a 4 day weekend and already wasted 3 days going nuts, today's Monday and I swear I had better get my shit together because I have deadlines tomorrow and the day after and I haven't done ANYTHING. Fark. The worst thing is, I can't help it. Argh. Hate hate hate.
And a couple of days ago my iPaQ wiped out too. So I'm really unorganized now. Whats wrong with all my data? This is not funny. Please stop. Grr.
Oh well. I'm resigned to redoing all my work and starting from scratch again. Hate this. My drive's not to blame either. It was kinda my own fault for assuming it was invincible. Case of power supply supplying a little too much power. Pfft. Hope my data is still intact though, I'm bringing it back to check and see if I can recover some of it. Can you imagine the last application my beloved Maxtor ever run was 'NBA Live 2003'? OMG. I just remembered my Simcity saved games. *SOB*
Argh argh argh. I'm so stressed out over this.. I even forgot my massage appointment and totally forgot about yoga over this and I'm barely in a state where I can even start to think of doing some meditation. Brain frazzled, mind freeze. You name it.
Hey, I went to Palmie on Saturday. That's an hour's drive and that's where I bought my new drive. It was a good drive though, and I went to David Trading to stock up on asian groceries. Bought a shitload of stuff to cook.. my pantry has now extended to the top shelf as well so I suppose even if I'm snowed in I won't go hungry. Shopped around a little, bought this army-green cargo pants that I'm absolutely in love with. I don't know whats wrong with me - I keep buying army-green stuff.. including this Ecko camoflage undie (it's so cute!) Gotta go scour the second hand shops sometime. My friends picked up an authentic camoflage cargo for 2 bucks (!!!) and it looks so cool.
Watched Unfaithful last night on DVD. David's computer's gone bust too, so I hijacked his DVD ROM. I have Van Wilder to watch later if I finish my work. I really wanna rent a bunch of titles but they're all one night new releases and I have no time to watch them. David tried to get me to watch The Ring but no dice, I'm still too chicken. He went around calling people on their mobiles after he made sure they watched it going 'You have seven days...' and that was pretty funny. I know I'd have freaked a little if I didn't know about it.
Better go. Have a ton of things to do and my updates just finished downloading.
Replies: 8 comments
your grocer is david trading? *smirk* btw.. can you get frech chunks of beef there? :P
Posted by M @ 03/10/2024 08:48 PM GMT
Mm... The Ring is nice. :D And while you're at it, you should watch the original Japanese trilogy too. :D~
Posted by XGen @ 03/10/2024 10:48 PM GMT
data loss is pure evil.
I will never forget the first time i love 2 years worth of music making. I am not above admitting that I cried like a baby.
Now I have two strategies .. either dont keep anything on my computer that I couldn't handle losing (good luck, me), or replicate like hell .. basically, all my mixdowns and improtant stuff is on my home computer, work computer, web host .. yadda yadda. Can't wait till DVD burners come down in price, then it will finally be so easy to back shit up.
Still, doesn't make it any easier. just remember ... computers suck ass. and this coming from a programmer ...
Just watched The Ring two days ago. Or bits of it. I'm not a fan of scary movies (mostly cause the story and acting in them usually blows :P), but the effects looked pretty cool.
Posted by garret @ 03/11/2023 05:21 AM GMT
data loss is pure evil.
I will never forget the first time i love 2 years worth of music making. I am not above admitting that I cried like a baby.
Now I have two strategies .. either dont keep anything on my computer that I couldn't handle losing (good luck, me), or replicate like hell .. basically, all my mixdowns and improtant stuff is on my home computer, work computer, web host .. yadda yadda. Can't wait till DVD burners come down in price, then it will finally be so easy to back shit up.
Still, doesn't make it any easier. just remember ... computers suck ass. and this coming from a programmer ...
Just watched The Ring two days ago. Or bits of it. I'm not a fan of scary movies (mostly cause the story and acting in them usually blows :P), but the effects looked pretty cool.
Posted by garret @ 03/11/2023 05:22 AM GMT
is there an echo in here?
my bad!
Posted by g @ 03/11/2023 05:23 AM GMT
sigh yeah - still havent managed to reinstall everything yet. i have a shitload of progs that need updating online and im still thinking of a way to do it. no internet sucks.
Posted by fuzzy @ 03/11/2023 08:05 AM GMT
Posted by Tremaine @ 03/11/2023 04:07 PM GMT
this is probly outta topic. our crown prince (from Brunei..) is visiting NZ & when i saw him on the news last nite i thought of u. hehe cz ure in NZ.. btw, ur pic in the non-streaming webcam is nice (:
Posted by deeds @ 03/12/2023 04:04 PM GMT
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