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03/13/2003 Entry: "Ghetto Baby"

Ghetto Baby

Whee. One more hour till the all-school meeting at 10am then we're all leaving for Wellington at 11am. Need to remind myself I'm not down there for leisure and shopping.. but a bunch of us are checking out some bars tonight (insert virtual wink here) I'm telling you, design students really know how to party. There's gonna be a house party at the student flats on Saturday which I will be back just in time for. Apparently it's a costume party and I've been told to go 'ghetto' - anyone knows what that means? Leave a comment or two if you have any idea at all, I'll be checkin this in Wellington (waiting for mega important e-mail)

I wonder how much there's left of my credit limit. I need to buy a ton of art materials for packaging projects and some books from Little Johns. Art stuff is so expensive here, sigh..

Oh yeah, I wanted to say this in the comments of the last post but I'll just do it here since this window's open. Music does it for me too. And certain places. Me and The Ex loved our music, there's a bunch of songs he used to sing to me on the guitar which I wasn't able to listen to without feeling Those Pangs, but now it's all good. I'm a big fan of a few opposing genres of music and I've stopped listening to rock and switched to hip hop for awhile. I like stuff I can shake my booty (and sing) to.. hahahaha!!

(and I find certain songs make me think of certain people and this happens alot.. maybe I have too many friends, LOL..)

Replies: 6 comments

hmm...to me ghetto means phat pants etc stuff like that. pimp and gangsta style dressing. not sure what it means in nz though. don't go in dressed as a ho (not meant as an offensive term, but a descriptive one) just to be safe though. ;)

Posted by killuminati @ 03/13/2003 11:53 AM GMT

ghetto, lol. I should send you that song "You Know You're Ghetto When", 'cept that would just be funny, not helpful, heh.
Ah, oversized hoodies, bandanas, sweats, Timberlands, big chains and stuff. Key word here is oversized :P check some hiphop MTVs for ideas :)

Posted by t @ 03/13/2003 01:26 PM GMT

oh. and, um. well, it's not GONE gone. We need to talk :/

Posted by t @ 03/13/2003 01:27 PM GMT

ghetto *probably* is being used here in the context of hiphop urban; shit with logos, chains, b-ball cap, sweats, that kinda shit. male hiphop artists dress 'ghetto' .. and t, "you're so ghetto, you're a valued customer at white castle!"

hahaha, great song, you da bomb, t.

fuzzy, the 5 foot long box is for a keyboard I'm shipping to montreal (I'm selling it.) I'll probabyl end up making one out of smaller boxes tommorow at work. weee, arts and crafts!

Posted by garret @ 03/13/2003 02:15 PM GMT

Ok. Don't despair. Here's my little fashion guide to "ghetto".

Shoes -- Sneakers. Preferrably white ones.

Pants -- Adidas shiny sweat pants/Baggy cargos (but then you
might need the timberlands)

Shirt -- Tank-top showing the belly off/Sports Jersey (football/basketball/baseball) again cut for the midsection.

Head - Baseball cap - backward/bandana/or better yet one of those knit-cap (sorta like this http://www.rallycaps.com/pics/knit-nyyr.jpg)

Another fashion tip, this is NOT ghetto.


Posted by chris @ 03/14/2003 09:46 AM GMT

yo westsideeeeeee (funny second picture chris!!)

hiaks. can i not go ghetto? damn. i don't own a single baggy bottom, unless you count PJs and gym shorts. lol. hoodies are ok. i have a huge ass red champion one, only it's actually an s size but hides my butt. bandannas.. caps.. err..

guess im gonna have to raid davids wardrobe, lol.

chris, oh.. btw all my sneakers are blue.


Posted by fuzzy @ 03/15/2003 12:32 PM GMT

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