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03/23/2003 Entry: "Pardee!"


It's been a crazy weekend. Made it to Clare's party down on the East Side about midnight because I had work to do, but it was great because everyone else was intoxicated by then and it was helluva laugh.. I've never seen so many people I know at a house party and the alcohol was amazing - there were at least 4 ice boxes full of empty beer cans and a few more of unopened cans. I brought my peach schnapps in my cocktail shaker (it was kinda BYO if you don't drink beer) and had alot of fun. Clare's cool. So are most of the people in my degree class.. I'm lucky that way. I've just spent the whole afternoon finishing up my magazine prototype for fashion class that's due at 9am tomorrow. Yikes. Gotta get home now.. ;)

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