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03/29/2003 Entry: "Rush"


Whee, that was a fun last post! Be prepared for many more to come :P

What have I been up to? Well.. the past few days have been mad. I've been at the labs till 3-4am in the mornings and waking up at 7:30am to go to morning class.. and as you know I have mad full days, so.. after my last class on Thursday I just crashed out completely.

Thursday class was fun though, it was decision time for our magazine, so Jo invited a bunch of people to come down and give opinions and Mikee from Loop came down all the way from Wellington! He's such a cool guy - taught us all about the production end of a magazine and we had a lot of fun deciding. Ended up with Nichola's name for the magazine - Pivot - and decided on a squarish format for the moment. I'm having lots of fun with it. Greg came for the presentation/critique too, skipped his advertising class and got appointed as our unofficial advertising manager.. LOL!

Greg's going down to Wellington later today and I was thinking of going there with him because I need to buy some materials for packaging class, but I have too much work and I can't leave. Sigh. Tonight I'll be at the labs as usual, this time I'm not going home until I get all my stuff sorted for packaging which will be one less worry for me. Argh argh, work work - and there'll be another party at the flats.. ooh. I might drop by if I'm not too busy!

Gotta run, library closes in five ;)

Replies: 1 Comment

i find myself so inspired by your design work that i spent an hour writing nonsense for a fictitious organization...

Posted by killuminati @ 03/30/2003 04:58 AM GMT

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