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05/29/2003 Entry: "HELPPPP!!!"

One week till degree presentation dry run - oh God. I hope I have everything ready by then if not sooner. The sooner I finish my work the better my mental state is going to be. Hee. At the rate I'm going I think I'm gonna be broke (again..) pretty soon as I'm spending another shitload at the printer's tomorrow. Help.

Two weeks till exhibition/moderation.

Three weeks till school ends. And my parents arrive. Oh God.

Under four weeks till Graduation. Help.

I need serious retail therapy to get my mind off this whole thing. And someone to fund the whole damn thing. At this rate I'm going to be wearing my prints. Matte or gloss for the top, miss?

Replies: 10 comments

Matte all the way, baby! *growl*

Hey, um, any luck with those CDs? :(

I get the feeling I'm gunna be remailing them :)

Posted by gt @ 05/29/2003 12:46 PM GMT

By the way, I'm out of money too. Except I'm not a student, so its doubly-worse cause nobody takes pity on me.

Posted by garret @ 05/29/2003 12:46 PM GMT

hahaha might need gloss for club nights out :P no, so far no news of the cd's.. unless dave's holding them hostage until i give him his angel wings back... looooong story ;)

Posted by fuzzy @ 05/29/2003 01:01 PM GMT

no,i think you should go wihtout matt and gloss...

Posted by fizzi @ 05/29/2003 06:53 PM GMT

"I love deadlines. I like the 'wooshing' sound they make as they fly by." - Douglas Adams

Posted by garret @ 05/30/2003 04:10 AM GMT

Hi, Just wanted to say you have really cool runners fr you pics in Zone 3.. What are they exactly if you don't mind?

Posted by Kate @ 05/30/2003 03:00 PM GMT

runners? what do you mean?

Posted by fuzzy @ 05/30/2003 03:12 PM GMT

Runners and in sneakers... I know this comes across as a really weird question, but they are a really nice pair.

Posted by Kate @ 05/30/2003 03:27 PM GMT

its them neato bluegreen nikes, see Steph I told you they were nice ;)

Posted by garret @ 05/31/2003 03:35 AM GMT

oh. err.. all my runners are nike (i have 3) and they're all blue. hee.

Posted by fuzzy @ 06/02/2024 02:30 AM GMT

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