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05/30/2003 Entry: "Dry runners"

Friday. Oh boy.

You do realize that whenever you have a deadline just around the corner, the week seems to go by double time? It doesn't just sit down or go in slow motion like the time when you're waiting for that day a month from now when you're going on vacation, or when you're waiting for that concert to happen.

Dry run's next week and I'm just about shitting in my pants right this moment, afraid that something will go wrong somewhere (Murphy's Law) when you least expect it, that will prevent me from presenting in top form. Pfft. It's somewhat like meeting the in-laws for the first time, you want everything to run smoothly and first impressions to be impeccable.

Yeah. Well. Friday.

I still haven't done my photography for the magazine yet. It's all happening on Monday because it's the Queen's birthday and everyone gets a day off, so I'm going to be rounding up the animals then and taking pictures.. which reminds me, I have to speak to Prof. Peggy about loaning some of her cats. (Kinda regretting proposing to use animals because they are SUCH a pain to photograph..)

Friday. Yes, I'm still going for Friday afternoon beers at the Buzz Bar.. but that does mean I have to work OT tonight.. I do need some kind of anti-stress activity, not that I have to justify myself to anyone :)

Back to work.

Replies: 2 comments

deadlines sucks major ass :P

Posted by evan @ 06/02/2024 05:34 AM GMT

"I love the sound of deadlines. I love the 'woosh' sound they make as they fly by." - Douglas Adams

Hey Steph, new tune on my page: "Adaptation" ITS FUCKING AWESOME, pardon my french. (The voice sample is L Ron Hubbard .. listen to what he says, hes completely serious. The man was a total lunatic.)

Later skater.

Posted by garret @ 06/02/2024 08:58 AM GMT

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