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06/19/2003 Entry: "A little bit about my project.."

This degree exhibition tag will explain what my project's all about. Photos after exhibition ;) 2 more nights.. ugh.. at least dinner was free today.. school's having a BBQ on the roof free from 8-10pm daily till end of term now.. it's really nice too! Building currently stinks like dog shampoo gone bad.. the cleaners have been here since the morning and have finally gone home at midnight muttering 'Damn, don't these guys sleep? What kind of students are they?' as they were walking out the door. Yep, labs are full and there's a struggle to get a machine (especially the souped up ones in Lab 4) at 3 am in the morning. Not kidding.

Replies: 1 Comment

The details are really well written! One comment tho:

" ... most of the pieces that I make are unique in itself."

Itself is referring to the pieces, but since pieces is plural, itself should be pluralized as well:

" ... most of the pieces that I make are unique in themselves."

Course, its probably too late now, and your professor would have to be a total dick to care. But hey, I like being the grammar nazi. ;)

- Good luck! Hope your digits are healing .. hrm, um, at least you're not a hand model! Yes, thats a positive way of looking at things ...

Posted by garret @ 06/21/2003 02:05 AM GMT

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