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06/19/2003 Entry: "Adobe UnDesign 2.0.2"
Its 6am.. good mornings.. at the moment the weather here's looking pretty good, we're expecting light rain about noon and strong gusts of cold icy wind. Bla bla. InDesign is being a fuckhead because it won't let me save my work and I need to sleep.. although it doesn't look likely at the moment because I have to finish my work. The two giant burgers I gobbled down at the free dinner thingie has long been digested and my stomach is growling for more. Snickers failed to satisfy. I'm thinking nice juicy steak, what about you? Yes, I eat slabs of meat for breakfast sometimes. I just got Dave to drive me to BP to buy more fags and some Red Bull. That stuff doesn't really work. It should come with a label that says 'does not work if you haven't slept for more than 20 hours' Barry at the BP Station was so nice. He offered me hot chocolate or coffee on the house when I told him I was pulling an all-nighter. I simply adore him. Marlboro Lights 25s are often referred to as 'the usual' and he never checks my ID or my signature on my credit card. Wish InDesign would work. I'm only staying because everyone else has pulled all-nighters except for me. I want to do it at least once.
So looking forward to getting trashed on Friday night. You're welcome to join us.