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06/26/2003 Entry: "boo"

Heheh got so smashed last night at the Buzz playing 'chai wui' drinking beer with Dave, Cheryl and everyone else. Got smashed beforehand at Greg's polishing off half a bottle of SKYY. Got smashed somemore after Buzz back at Greg's stoning out. All in all a good night, parents are coming today ;P

Replies: 3 comments

did you get laid ? u must have been wantin' it hey???

Posted by Klara @ 06/26/2003 07:48 PM GMT

ooh nasty!

how does anyone get laid smashed? eheh

Posted by fuzzy @ 06/27/2003 12:41 PM GMT

answer: very carefully

Posted by garret @ 06/27/2003 01:11 PM GMT

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