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07/21/2003 Entry: "Bank Blips"
It's been such a frustrating weekend and I only just found out why. My EFTPOS card hasn't been working since Friday (after the last post I went grocery shopping) so today I went to the bank and found out that they tried to send me my statement to my old address and my school told them I'd graduated and left the country.. so they closed my account and moved my funds to the general ledger account. I had to go through the process of reopening another account today and just spent the whole morning doing that.. and apparently it will take 3 days to transfer my funds out from the general ledger account into my new one so guess what? I'll be broke till Thursday.
I've been busy sorting out my stuff before I head home. Apart from that I haven't been very busy, just been killing time reading and watching movies on telly. Yesterday was probably the longest time I've ever sat in front of the telly here (Back to the Future 1,2 and 3 were playing back to back) I've read about 7 books in the past week and watched about 6 movies.. kinda need something else to do huh?
Garret, the Wasp Factory is fucking sick (but I loved it!) Everyone should go read it although it's a little hard to stomach if you've got a vivid imagination..
I'm gonna go search for some hardware specs now (I secretly enjoy doing this) which requires 101% concentration.. but before I go..
.. anyone have any suggestions on what to give a guy friend you've known for 12 years for his birthday? I'm so totally out of ideas but it has to be something quirky or cool (nothing serious like wallets/shirts etc) and I almost want to give him my Queenstown HRC shot glasses I bought down there but I also want to keep them for myself.. decisions decisions!
Replies: 1 Comment
i havent been to this site in quite a while, still looks good. im going to link you, this way i dont lose your site again. take care.
Posted by Execrate @ 07/22/2003 01:39 AM GMT