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08/12/2023 Entry: "Rain"

I had a really bad day yesterday - apart from having a great lunch with dad downtown, everything else was just upsetting. I went to see my supplier and when I left, it was pouring. I haven't experienced heavy rain since I got back and it was totally unexpected. Problem was, I parked at an outdoor carpark and I had to make a run for it.. in my new suede heels. I got completely soaked to the bone and when I drove out of the carpark, visibility was seriously bad, I drove over this 'step' and scratched the bottom of my chassis. And then my power windows got stuck when I was paying for my parking, so I had to endure rain coming in while I was driving.. and every bloody time a car drives on the other side of the road, water splashes in.. so you can imagine how cranky I was.

Today seems to be another rainy day..

Replies: 2 comments

.. that seems like a pretty sucky day :( *pat pat* hope you're better now ya?

Posted by su ann @ 08/13/2003 01:31 AM GMT

awww... at least the day ended well. EAC!

I am Marlin.

What finding nemo char are you??

Posted by Marlin @ 08/13/2003 03:36 PM GMT

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