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09/11/2023 Entry: "Pure fun"
On Wednesday night, me and a couple of my friends were 'selected' to be elite PureWhiterz, and Wednesday night was the first event, the PureWhiterz Dinner at La Bodega. The dinner was actually pretty well organized - when we got there there was a long table that seats 20/30 (There were 10 of us and we were allowed to bring a friend each, plus some people from Riche Monde and Catcha) with place cards and a bottle of Pure White each for the 10 people. Dinner was good, it was a seated one with the usual starter/main/dessert affair and after dinner, we adjourned to Bar Med where French bartender extrodinaire Hector Vega (me and Leonard thought his name sounds very p0rn!) was supposed to come up with the perfect mix for Pure White.. or so I thought. Instead, we were given 7 different mixers and 6 bottles of Pure White and enough ice to last the night.. which of course, no one had any complaints about!
It was fun because most of my party animal friends were present, roll call - Lynn, Roy, Tracy, Eleana, Nik (photos photos!), Tai, Leonard, Alex, Jeff and Alan. It ended around 1am when everyone had their fill of Pure White, but personally I think its because it was a week night and most of them had to work today. It was all good fun though!
Today was rather s.l.o.w. for me. Today kinda dragged on forever and when i actually started working on Nik's site, time just seemed to dissapear and the next thing I knew, I was stuck in peak hour traffic heading home because I had a dinner at my uncle's place for my grandma's birthday. I had a HUGE dinner (I am foochow and I love foochow food - Foochow is a province in China, btw. That's where my grandparents are originally from.) and then me and my cousin snuck out for a cigarette and a chat. I haven't seen her since I got back and that's ages ago. She's really cool. We grew up together and although we have a different group of friends and don't really see each other as often anymore, we never seem to run out of things to say. ANYWAY. Huge dinner, stuffed my face, had cake, played with the kids, went home. Burp. I love my family. And tomorrow I get to do it all over again coz it's mom's birthday!
Better get some sleep now. So much for detox week. I just heard there's another Pure White thing tomorrow night in Atmosphere. Sigh!
Replies: 8 comments
hey you.
i finally have internet, yayness! moved in, trying to get back into school and stuff. I share a 4 foot door with one of my roommates, and I've been cooking often.
We have to catch up soon.
love, t
Posted by t @ 09/11/2023 10:38 PM GMT
Hey Stephanie. Still partying this hardy hahahahha. I quit partying. Turning 25 next tuesday. *sigh* haha Oh by the way. You need an RBJ Link on your site babes. I am monitoring all Malaysian Sites ;)
Posted by Chris @ 09/11/2023 11:21 PM GMT
I have a bottle of Mandrin and another of Vanilia right here with me, and I can't help but wish that you were here to drink with me.
Posted by t @ 09/12/2023 07:04 PM GMT
Hola! :) You still look babelicious as ever girl.
Where is Tiffany now btw? Sorry, just catching up lately ;)
Posted by p3arLy @ 09/12/2023 10:20 PM GMT
Tiff, where ya studying?
Posted by gt @ 09/13/2003 12:40 AM GMT
watch me fill your page with my nonsensical ramblings ;P
got sloshed, but am sober even as we speak, bah. I hate being rational. am calling you now, just because I can :P
pick up damnit!
hey pearly ;D
g: am at trent in peterborough, ON. come visit!
Posted by t @ 09/13/2003 03:04 AM GMT
screw that; i got your voicemail. what the hell man?!
huh. so maybe I'm not as sober as I thought :P
lol. much love, sooks *hug*
Posted by t @ 09/13/2003 03:05 AM GMT
lol i should put up a chatroom :) *wink*
Posted by fuzzy @ 09/14/2003 09:21 AM GMT
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