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09/17/2003 Entry: "Food!"
Good morning, how about a post bright and early to see if my time's fixed? I've recently switched servers so that's probably the reason why the time's screwy. Grr.
Nik took me to Momotalo last night, and bloody hell, the food's pretty impressive. Of course it was a memorable dinner.. following a memorable lunch in Cheras. Me, Nik, David and his friend went there on Monday for pan mee and it was so good I went there again yesterday. I love that stuff. The place is in Miharja and it's excellent! Sorry, back to Momotalo. The food was really good and even though it's cooked as is, it's fresh enough to have enough flavour by itself.. and the dip was too good.. I drowned mine in garlic mince and soy and something else that tasted like miso paste.. and the beef is best! Don't let it be said that Nik has bad taste in anything! In fact, he's one of the rare guys that I can actually take shopping.. how rare is that? :)
I have some pictures to post up but I'm kinda in a rush to get downtown to get some money from Roy's dad. He's got some shopping he asked me to do because I'm stopping over in Brisbane for 2 weeks. Be back later!
Replies: 4 comments
Coming to Brisbane? Thats good, weather's great here. Be warned tho', it can get a bit mad at times. ;)
Posted by zespri @ 09/17/2003 05:10 PM GMT
tell me more about momotalo... *hehehe* how's the pricing like?
Posted by Sui Lin @ 09/17/2003 06:13 PM GMT
It's at desa sri hartamas, next to RHB bank. Be expected to pay about RM50 - RM80 per person, and ask for their specials. They have stuffs not on the menu, ie: paper steam boat. Yes the pot is made out of paper. Momotalo : 03 2300 2080
Posted by Nik @ 09/18/2003 08:25 AM GMT
hehehe.. yea i know where it is.. always wanted to try but never did.. well 50 - 80 is way much cheaper than korean bbq
Posted by Sui Lin @ 09/19/2003 03:18 AM GMT