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09/18/2003 Entry: "Malaysia Boleh!"

Today is banking day! It's a little bit of a privilege that my dad works in one so I had priority service, LOL. He also took me to Pasar Rakyat to buy some things I needed to pick up. I've never been to that place before and I have to say it's a pleasant surprise. It's not exactly the flashiest place but you can get almost everything there at a pretty decent price. I spent most of my afternoon with dad which was cool since I haven't been spending enough time with him and I'm leaving on Sunday. Going for dinner now. Be back later.

Replies: 1 Comment

Hi, i read ur blog almost everyday and enjoy everybit of ur story. like the structure of ur blog too, its very organised and user-friendly :)

came across the sentence where u mentioned u need to settle banking stuffs and insurance. Well, i'm in the insurance business too, if u need opinions or advice, i hope i can help u with it.

have a nice day.

Posted by Sin @ 09/19/2003 12:18 PM GMT

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