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09/21/2003 Entry: "Hello Goodbye"
Time really flies when you're having fun.. I find myself saying this all the time. I'm leaving for Brisbane tomorrow evening (actually, since it's past midnight, later this evening) and I'm not sure if I'm ready to leave. I always feel this way before I have to leave KL. I'm almost done packing and there's a million things I want to do and a million people I want to see before I go but somehow there's just not enough hours in a day. So if I didn't have time for you, it's not because I don't want to see you.. and I'm genuinely sorry I have been so busy. Friendships take time, I know.
I should get some sleep.. and maybe tell you about Nik's birthday party we had on Friday night the next time I blog :)
Replies: 4 comments
Good bye vodka queen.
Posted by Nemo @ 09/22/2003 07:49 AM GMT
Safe journey to you steph! *hugz*
Am still waiting for you to drop by in melbourne...
Posted by RaYz @ 09/22/2003 04:21 PM GMT
yeah time seem to flies faster these days, somehow. :/
have fuun!
Posted by evan @ 09/22/2003 05:04 PM GMT
Have a safe journey back to NZ...
Posted by Sui Lin @ 09/22/2003 05:43 PM GMT
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