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09/24/2003 Entry: "Beach + City"
A picture says a 1000 words, so.. here's my couple of thousand for the day.
View of Queensland from the sky.
Surfer's Paradise!
Found some cool mirrors at Raptis Plaza
Duty Free Shopping Haven!
Almost looks like Miami, gotta love palm trees!
This is where I tried to get a tan.
Jame's St Bistro where I had dinner with Roy and his girlfriend.
Day 2 on the coast! Day 2 was fun, I went to the coast again, this time with the full intention of getting a tan so the first thing I did was go bikini shopping! I bought a cool blue and white one from Roxy and armed myself with tanning oil, the latest issue of Australian Cosmo and a towel and headed to the beach which was conveniently about 2 minutes away from everything. It was really fun having time to myself but I kept getting interrupted by cute beach boys playing touch footie! On one of the occasions I jumped in the surf to get the sand off me, I found a rather tall dark handsome type lying on my towel. It was wierd.
I'm like, 'Excuse me, that's my towel!'
He gave me this huge grin and said 'I know, I was waiting for you to come back!'
Kinda struck me dumb for like 10 minutes. No, seriously. I didn't know what to say. I ended up making small talk with him about the weather (damn I'm creative) and he gave me his number. I ended up with 6 phone numbers from random guys that day.. the locals must be very friendly indeed. Roy's giving me shit now because I was waiting at the lobby of his office for him to come down and I got picked up by 3 guys. He came out to see me surrounded by them and (I swear, I was just sitting there minding my own) he's now endlessly giving me shit about it. Argh.
We went for dinner with his girlfriend Phoung and his friend Dan at Jame's St Bistro which is just round the corner from Roy's pad. Roy's new place (yes, he put me up to this) is a really cool glass and metal loft apartment in the middle of an arty (and gay) surburb in the city that cost half a mil and a total chick magnet place. There, said it. I'd post some pictures but his place is a mess because he just moved in here 4 weeks ago.
I honestly think it's quite nice. And very convenient. Honest! :) Plus, it's down the road from Family and Press Club (club/bar respectively) and Chinatown..
Day 3 in the city! I'm staying with Roy at the moment, he was sweet enough to give me his girlfriend's set of keys and when I woke up this morning I went straight to the lap pool for 20 laps (the water was freezing!) and had breakfast with Roy before he went to work. Then later on Roy's friend James dropped me and his girlfriend off in the city and I had lunch with Phuong.. then it was a huge mission to get a prepaid internet account so I can come online. I bought an Optus account.. hehe. I walked around Newfarm for ages till I found a post office. Today's city day.. kinda staying in and staying online for a while to chat with Nik and Tiff. I've been to Brisbane so much before that I don't even feel like shopping here.. but I did buy a $20 black dress which was on sale. It's a black tube, kinda bondage-like with zippers. It'll go well with my black studded heels I brought back with me!
I can't shop anymore. Phuong seems to be the perfect shopping partner and today we looked at the pair of Sass and Bide jeans I've been meaning to buy.. but I'm 20kgs overloaded (luggage, not fat hehe) and can't afford to shop! Argh!!
Replies: 3 comments
there you are having the time of your life, sun, beaches, shopping and a new man while im slogging the pits trying to finish my work so i can go home...ah, life is so unfair :)
Posted by j @ 09/24/2003 08:06 PM GMT
and buy that damned pair of sass and bides will ya?
Posted by j @ 09/24/2003 08:07 PM GMT
Loved the mirror shot!!
Posted by RaYz @ 09/25/2003 02:33 PM GMT
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