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10/08/2024 Entry: "Tripping"
I'm back in good ol' Wangas now. It was quite a mission but I got back here yesterday - on Monday night, Phuong, Roy, Dan and I went out for dinner in Sunnybank, and Dan drove me to the airport at 6am the next morning (he's such a sweetheart!) because Roy didn't have his car. It took me about 2 seconds to check in because no one goes to the airport at such an ungodly hour, and I had to kill two hours on my own. I was happy to hear Brisbane Airport is fully WiFi, but it wasn't free and I obviously did not have an account.. so whilst killing 2 hours I *almost* bought this, which I'm thankful I didn't blow my $$$ on because when I got into Wellington, I spent NZ$297 on renting a car to drive back to Wangas. Yes, I had to drive and I barely had enough sleep.
I need sleep :)
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