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10/27/2003 Entry: "Pissed!"

Been having one too many hard nights out - I'm staying in the middle of Courtenay Place, which pretty much the main party district in Wellington. I did stay in on Saturday night, opting for much-needed sleep and possibly still recovering from the night before but Sunday was a little mad. I went for the Jazz Brunch thing at the Wellington Waterfront, then met up with Sheena, Vic and Mark at Amba for the Jazz Street Party thingie and I had my first sip of alcohol of the day in the form of a Bellini. We went to play some pool at Ball Room and watched 28 Days Later, a movie I knew absolutely nothing about, which was good because I like surprises, and was bad because it freaked me out and I was paranoid running all the way back to the Hostel and ringing Nik up to freak out some more.

I thought I was gonna have a quiet night in but I met some people at the common area and between the 6 of us, we finished off 5 dozen bottles of Tuis playing this drinking game called sociables.. this one round I picked a 'I never..' card and I have to say something I've never done, and whoever's done it has to drink. My 'I never..' was 'I never had anal sex before' and EVERYONE drank - am I missing something here? God that round was so funny. After that we headed to Amba for more dancing and two Bellini's later we went to Jet, and had passionfruit vodka shots. I pretty much staggered back and I remember going upstairs and hanging out somemore and falling off my chair. My bum hurts.

I made drunk phone calls to Nik which was very funny because I was talking nineteen to the dozen for 40 minutes and kept repeating myself. I'm glad he doesn't have a record function on this phone. Mark used to record me saying crap when I'm pissed and then give me shit about it.

Tuesday nights at Bar Bodega - $2.50 glasses of Lindauer - I must say I am looking forward to it.

Replies: 2 comments

Bellini's, mm... yummeh!

Posted by t @ 10/27/2003 11:16 PM GMT

Hmm well looks like i need a phone with a record function... hehehe ;-)

Posted by Nik @ 10/31/2003 06:12 PM GMT

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