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11/03/2024 Entry: "The VODKA theory"

The VODKA theory

Tomorrow night I will be going nuts and testing out Alexandr's vodka drinking theory. I just had a long discussion with my crazy Russian friend and he explained in detail to me the proper Russian Protocol Compliant(TM) way to drink vodka. There's a tradition, a formula and *swoon* a breathing technique! Apparently, if I master this technique, it's a guarantee I will maintain a state of verticality at the end of the night. Apparently.

I need to test this out (being the semi-mad person that I am, and honestly, wouldn't you be curious if this works, too? No? Oh..)

Tomorrow night, Smirnoff Black, a loaf of bread (don't ask) and good music. I'm gonna do the thing veritas does with drugs (and I'll call it alcohol awareness.. or plain stupidity on my part..) We agreed I'd be drinking alone and Alex will conference with me on MSN (and drinking in Russia haha..) and see how long we last.

Geez, I need a life. I'm taking alcoholism to a whole new level.. drinking with friends online.

Of course there's a catch - you just don't try this with a Russian, because no matter how good a drinker you think you are.. any Russian can drink you under the table.. having said that, I'm glad Alex is on the other side of my internet line.. (of course I'll post a report..)

We're talking vodka, of course.

Replies: 10 comments

you're crazy, but i still love you ;P

and yes, we're betting, AHAHAHA!

dot - trust only in the cookie says:
pick a number, any number
n1k<3st3ph says:
dot - trust only in the cookie says:
dot - trust only in the cookie says:
so it's settled
dot - trust only in the cookie says:
XX shots and i bake you a batch of cookies
dot - trust only in the cookie says:
any other number and you buy me a mocha frapp
dot - trust only in the cookie says:
n1k<3st3ph says:

Posted by t @ 11/03/2024 11:23 PM GMT

I don't even know why i am encouraging this... Go Stephie! Beat the russian!!

ps. for those in KL, see she's training before she comes back... uh oh...

Posted by Nik @ 11/03/2024 11:27 PM GMT

oh, the pressure! :P

Posted by fuzzy @ 11/03/2024 11:27 PM GMT

screw the pressure. even if you have half a shot i'll still win, ahahhaa!

I'm just a poor unemployed student, la la lil la...

Posted by t @ 11/03/2024 11:58 PM GMT

I'm only supervising her and making sure she gets it right. Highly doubt she'll ever drink me under the table but if she does, I will have to go to Kuala Lumpur to meet her in person. BTW I heard Azn girls suck at drinking vodka *g*

What time are we starting, mishka? Or shall I just wait for you to come online.

Posted by A @ 11/04/2024 12:13 AM GMT

anyone can drink online .. it takes a real man to barf online!

Posted by gt @ 11/04/2024 03:45 AM GMT

hey fuzz, u + nik = dating?

Posted by ding @ 11/04/2024 08:50 AM GMT

oh no what have i gotten myself into :)

g, no thanks. hehe. this kinda reminds me of our vanilia thingie. argh.

ding, yes.

Posted by fuzzy @ 11/04/2024 04:58 PM GMT

omg! russians... they drink vodka like water. that's how my friend drinks vodka... pretty scary. lol. it's impossible to make him drunk by vodka.

Posted by mandy @ 11/04/2024 07:03 PM GMT

Okay she stopped at 26 shots, 1 full litre of Red Smirnoff. And i've lost the bet.

Tiff, i owe you a mocha frapp.

Posted by Nik @ 11/04/2024 11:55 PM GMT

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