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11/14/2003 Entry: "What is the Matrix indeed?"

What is the Matrix indeed?

I'm back from my little jaunt to The Windy City - I should've foreseen my inevitable extension, resulting in yours truly being utterly and completely smashed during one of her last trips out in NZ. In a nutshell, my trip to Wellington was a very productive one. Not only did I manage to get all my stuff shipped off, but I also caught Revolutions, found Tiff's cheesy NZ tourist shot glass, picked up my first paycheck from Small Acorns and obliterated whatever's left of my liver (and doing all this is my usual mad style, common sense ensured I left the sale signs and my wallet in peace but my alcohol induced haze eliminated said common sense and too much money after buying 283214 rounds)

I remembered a good night with good friends, good drinks and crap jokes (courtesy of me) When you're pissed, making jokes about the bulge in your own pants (it was a camera) seems to be hilarious and going around with red and blue mini M&Ms; and solemnly telling perfect strangers 'You have to see it for yourself. This is your last chance. After this there is no turning back. You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.. Remember, all I'm offering is the truth, nothing more..' seemed like a scream.

In return, I got alot of laughs usually followed by compliments on my sense of humour and/or free drinks, questions about my name being Alice and in one case, the stranger in question grabbed both and consequently claimed he wants to meet the trainman, a phone number (silly thing thought I was trying to pick him up and decided to take the reins from me) and 10 minutes later, I ran out of red mini M&Ms.;

I personally did think I was rather funny.

And now we bring you the Top Vodka Stories of that night: Zubrowka Tonic is a nice, mellow conversation drink. You have to have about three before coming to that conclusion. (I also had about three of everything else with vodka in the menu, or so my reciepts tell me.) That would be a possible explanation for the girl who was seen illegally importing rounds of Russian Cocaines from bar to table (shot of vodka, lines of sugar and coffee sucked through a round of lemon - thanks Ian, for enlightening me. You're a gem.) Doubles were going for $3.50 at Bristol last night, which led to suspicious bulk purchases of vodka shots by a tall Asian girl in cargos. Wellington seemed to have been hit by a minor vodka shortage in Bristol and Good Luck Bar on Wednesday night, a supply that authorities are working on replenishing. The culprit is believed to have been sighted going into hiding at 2:20am and fleeing the scene at 4pm this afternoon.

I still think I'm funny but the novelty is wearing off.

Also, Sheena somehow managed to lose her wallet and I somehow woke up with it in my pocket. After a late lunch filling each other's gaps in, we concluded that she must've somehow dropped it in her drunken haze and I must've picked it up from the floor mistaking it for the pack of cigarettes I dropped. Needless to say, this must've happen during the end of the night where I mysteriously forgot a good 30 minutes of. I don't remember how we both got back, but according to a witness, I chose the cab. Walking merrily down Dixon St where the cab stand is, I found one that I liked, pointed and said 'I want this one!' and promptly hopped into the backseat. I wonder who paid the fare. I found my cigarettes later today, waiting for me at the servo station. The attendant only charged me NZ$11.40 for taking care of it for the night. What a nice man. He even repackaged it and replaced the 6 or so I smoked before.

Revolutions would've been a better movie if, quoting a certain Alan Joyce, '..the twist could and in my opinion should have been that there was a complete role reversal. Agent Smith being the good guy and Neo the bad guy. This would work because it had already been established that the matrix was a form of control. Zion also is not the real world in this twist. What happens is that Neo and Morpheus are programs that go into the matrix and 'free' all the trouble makers and other anomalies that do not add up in the equation (architects speech in reloaded). They are taken to Zion where they are destroyed - a means of control. Smith is trying to stop this happening in the matrix and so is himself the saviour of the matrix, the One that can save it.' I only wish I was creative enough to come up with something like that. My opinion? Great CG, flat storyline.

And before I get distracted again, Happy 23rd Birthday dear Greg, and Happy 22nd Birthday Ahady/Boy - I love you both. Sorry I cannot stomach the thought of taking another sip of alcohol tonight and being too tired to party tonight away.

Oh, and I thought this would be the first thing I'd blog about - I finally got my picture and name in a design magazine (ProDesign, current Oct/Nov issue) but unfortunately it's not in recognition of my creative efforts. I did, however, get my mug published next to that of Ali Szadeczky's (of Nofrontiere fame) which is at worst, better than nothing at all.

Time to take a blue pill.

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