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11/23/2003 Entry: "Back."


Am back in good old Kuala Lumpur now, after a painfully long journey. I hate airports. When I was young, the prospect of going on a trip overseas was very exciting. Now I see travelling for what it really is - long queues, horrid security, long walks from one gate to the other, transit (being in transit for hours can do serious damage to ones mental state and credit card) and rows of people packed into economy class with insufficient breathing space, crap airline food trays and my personal vendetta with luggage and check-in counters.

Straight from the airport to Bar Savanh, where I continued my Wanganui-Wellington-Sydney drinking binge. It's a nice new place behind Sheraton Imperial Hotel where the girls now haunt. It opened a week ago. The cocktails were pretty good, I bumped into alot of friends there and was so totally intoxicated at the end of the night (my poor liver) that I apparently was hugging a Kembara on the way out. I haven't seen the pictures yet (uh oh!)

I am going to grab a feed and get my hair cut at Peek-a-boo at 5pm today. It has become something of a ritual now, I always need something done to my hair and Gibson is such a sweetie for slotting me in on a Sunday :)

Replies: 2 comments

i hate airports too. but more i hate planes.

i wish we could teleport.

Posted by fel @ 11/24/2003 06:10 AM GMT

that'd be so so so so cool

Posted by fuzzy @ 11/25/2003 12:29 PM GMT

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