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12/10/2024 Entry: "Not found but not lost"

Not found but not lost

She's been keeping me up all night for curiosity (or was it impatience?) got the better of me and at 2:30 in the morning I found myself on the phone with someone obviously unwilling to man Timenet's customer service graveyard shift, desperately trying to recover my free dialup password. (Note to self - registering anonymously can be a pain when asked for identification details) I managed to somehow get it out of him after telling him I've never used it before and giving him the registration date (conveniently the day before I left KL in September) and getting him to verify my usage records. He must've enjoyed our lengthy conversation or sensed my desperation, or perhaps both, for the call ended with a 'please verify your mobile number' said in jest. I giggled and thanked him.

I have gotten as far as August, reading slowly and pausing at every other long paragraph to register her words. To read her is perhaps as addictive as one of Grisham's novels - her world exists outside your own, you do not fully understand the intricacies of the text but yet you plough on hoping to come across something that you can relate to, you read about things you know as far as you're concerned exists only in books and movies and places you wish you could one day visit, she lives a life don't really believe can exist.. and all this without a cogent conclusion - but yet, if you're like me, you want to believe and maybe you do, and you will read on. I cannot yet find a reason amidst all the doubts that she is not real.

I suggest you read and decide for yourselves. If anything else, it is one heck of a well-written weblog.

Another reason for my insomnia would be the paranoia that sets in the moment I lay down on my bed and close my eyes - I keep getting the feeling that someone would attempt to break-in or at the very least pilfer something from my lawn in the midst of the current renovations. Petty theft does not bother me in this circumstance but it does bug the shit out of me that anyone can walk into my compound and do as they please with my property. My room is filled with the sleep-inducing scent of Lavender and Mulberry in an attempt to seduce my nervous system to cooperate with my body but my mind is wide-fucking-awake at 6 am and my physical self is threatening to collapse. I even considered sleeping on the sofa in the living room earlier but that would be rather uncomfortable not to mention stupid if someone did break-in.


I guess I can sleep now that it's 6:16 in the morning and dawn has already came and went its merry way, but no - there is still Anthony Bourdain's last two chapters to surmount and since my mind feels caffiene-coaxed (if truth be told, it was the nicotine that did it) I have finally completed writing my Curriculum Vitae and it's all ready to be cut and pasted into an Illustrator document which hasn't been started on. Sadly, I think the paranoia has taken the creative buzz I usually get when I pull all-nighters and grated it into little bits and flushed it down the sink.

I need to get my job-related stuff in shape pronto, but try telling that to me now. I will give you a semi-stoned smile and ignore you.

I wonder how I'm gonna survive Ben's gig in Bar Savanh later tonight if I am to supervise the renovations during the day. If I look dazed and confused, read this post again and don't ask me why.

Oh, another plug - Chill's having a threesome night on Saturday. Three free slow sessions throughout the night, so go for the vodka at 9 pm. You thought it was a what..?

Replies: 5 comments

I kinda stumbled upon ur blogs, where is tis bar savanh it does sound like a nice plc to chill.

Posted by Josh @ 12/10/2024 09:26 AM GMT

hey, yea Chill this weekend i heard about it. and guess wat
i'll be heading down there for some vodka before heading down to atmosphere :)

Posted by Rat[Z] @ 12/10/2024 10:15 AM GMT

oo ben's gig..cu tonight! :D

Posted by xes @ 12/10/2024 12:07 PM GMT

xes hehe cu there ;)

josh, it's behind sheraton imperial on jalan sultan ismail on the 'asian heritage row'

Posted by fuzzy @ 12/10/2024 02:54 PM GMT

okie dokie...will make it there soon....

Posted by josh @ 12/11/2023 01:17 PM GMT

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