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12/16/2003 Entry: "AM assaults"

AM assaults

It slipped my mind that sleeping in is somewhat futile as the constant drilling and hammering from downstairs assaults my sub-conscious state. 15 minutes of being mocked by the mechanical monsters I bury myself further into the depths of my pillows and duvet but I find that blocking out some sound also results in suffocation and thus found impetus to get out of bed.

I lit my first cigarette of the day only to find that my throat was also joining the rebellion in distress and trying to convince my nose to run along. My only consolation is that when I'm sick people tell me I sound cute. Pfft. So here I am, blasting last night's CD on my Altec Lansings wondering why (as usual).

I think I'm gonna hop in the shower and check if my financial situation (or lack of) will allow me to finish my Christmas shopping today. Hee.

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