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12/16/2003 Entry: "Melancholic"
Bad start to a good day? Good start to a bad day? I really don't know. I desperately need sleep, am thisclose to collapsing from fatigue today, am mentally and emotionally drained and when I got home, the delivery order for 56 cartons of 1x1 tiles arrived and I had to help the poor boy unload it.. It weighed 16kgs a carton but it felt like 50kgs today. After probably unloading about 20 cartons, I gave up because my arms were giving up on me.
Feel soooo shit - throat hurts, nose running miles, temperature fluctuating, muscles aching, head throbbing, emotionally drained, mind about to shut down..
Riverdance seems like a chore now, all I want to do is sleep..
Oh hey, I've got a set of six postage paid maximum cards with postage stamps affixed from NZ Post in mint condition. It's from LOTR The Two Towers and the issue date is Dec 2002. It's no longer on the market and somewhat of a collectors item and I want to sell it. It retailed at NZ 12 a year ago.. any offers? E-mail me.
I've also got a presentation pack (first day covers, miniature sheets, stamps) from the same series that looks very, very cool and comes in a little folder-type thing but I'm reluctant to sell it. It retailed at NZ 30 and I might think of selling it if the price is right.. it's autographed ;)
I have 20 minutes to sleep before dad gets home from work. Eek.
Replies: 2 comments
hope you get well soon babez.. you'll be needing loads of rest for singapore..
I think Cheng Leong might want the LOTR stuff
Posted by Sui Lin @ 12/17/2003 01:57 PM GMT
thanks sui lin ;) hope i survive sg!
i'll ask him soon
Posted by fuzzy @ 12/17/2003 05:08 PM GMT
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