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12/17/2003 Entry: "Sick as a dog"

Am feeling no better unfortunately - waking up at 5 am and taking some Demazin did help a little and Tiff prescribed some lecithin pills for me which apparently will stop my nose from attempting to run the minute mile. The unorthodox lifestyle I chose to lead is not giving me enough time to recover, already I have plans to party the weekend away and being the stubborn ass that I am, I know I won't be staying home and catching up on some much needed rest.

Mark came over to pick me up for lunch today, there is nothing edible in my fridge that doesn't require cooking and prep save for a pack of Boursin cheese and Sunkist juice. We ended up having Vietnamese for lunch today but I couldn't taste a damn thing. No wonder I always lose weight when I fall sick; my apetite plummets and I have no desire to eat.. well, unless it's that yummy Mango-Lo thing from KTZ. Small joys :)

I've been sitting at home all day doing nothing.. what a waste of time. I suppose I could do some packing for our (Lynn, Roy, Eleana, Gwen, Nik, me and whoever else who will be joining us) impending trip to Singapore..

I love procrastinating about little things.

Replies: 2 comments

Try Actified or Clarinase (non-drowsy) ... :)

Posted by Lynnzter @ 12/18/2003 06:51 PM GMT

hehe thanks sweetie ;)

Posted by fuzzy @ 12/18/2003 07:18 PM GMT

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