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01/02/2024 Entry: "Non-Resolute-Ness"
My intentions of catching up with Sleep was duly abandoned when I did my round of midnight blog stalking and came across Rachel's Idlethink for AIDS blog-a-thon only to find, of course, I missed the actual event (but no fear, she's put all 24 hours worth of posts on one page for the rest of us). This girl constantly amazes me with her intelligence and wit and after 20 hours of posting non-stop she still manages to make sense - a whole lot at that. How does she do it? :) Go give her site a visit. It's more than worthy of a mouse-click, I promise. It's now way past midnight and I was, again, debating Sleep but after clicking 'Check Mail' one final time like I always do before I log off I was a little horrified to note that the lone e-mail chose to find its way into my inbox bore the title 'Keep that New Years Resolution'. Phrases (You have nothing to lose but weight! It's sweater season... but that doesn't mean you have to get bulky!) jumped out at me and paranoia caused my brows to furrow in mild confusion - What the HECK? A split second later I realized that it's just an ordinary spam like the other 300 I get daily and not some Higher Tech-Savvy Being berating me on breaking my resolution after two hours. Funny what your tricks your brain plays on you when it lacks proper Braincell Regeneration Time. Why am I capitalizing Not So Important Phrases? Eh? I haven't mentioned the word 'resolution' anywhere in the last few posts leading up to 2004. It isn't because I don't believe in making them - resolving to do something is rarely sufficient in the course of achieving it. It takes guts, belief, will, devotion and time. Making a resolution is as easy as.. typing it out for instance. No biggie. Hence, this year, I AM GOING TO: 1. Do everything I can to fit into my size 8 jeans again. I am aware that a proper Plan of Action is required to accomplish this mission, therefore in the next 30 days I will acquire my own gym membership instead of hijacking all my friends guest passes and start training regularly again and not flirt with the idea every 2 weeks or so. 2. Empty my pockets of spare change every night and put it in my Extra Large Money Box in hopes of one day actually filling it up to the brim. It is a rather large one and might take some time but I have time and plenty of change. This will work. 3. Say what I mean more often instead of what I think you want to hear. The right words at the right times can do more than simple unblemished Truth, but being insincere does no one favours in the long run. 4. Focus. 5. Get over my insecurities (or at least two of them) They only serve to hamper my goals and I am wasting way too much time dwelling on the past. 6. KICK SOME SERIOUS ASS. Just watch me :D However, for now I AM GOING TO: 1. Hit post. I'm rambling again, as usual. 2. Say hello to Sleep for it has been waiting for me patiently for the past 3 hours.
Replies: 1 Comment
Ah, you are too kind, but I have never made more than 0.8ml of sense in my life (assuming that sense is a liquid). But thank you :)
Posted by rAchel @ 01/08/2024 09:33 AM GMT
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