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01/27/2004 Entry: "Perhaps"
I figured it was time to write something, only I have nothing much to write about. Maybe I will write about how Roy is buying all of us dinner at Tamarind Springs, something we more or less force him into on an annual basis. It's not a big deal for him anyway, since he just made bucketloads of moolah on a stroke of luck. Sharing is caring, no? I could also write about how we plan to go to Bar Savanh after dinner, for the blabbing bloggers meet-up, and to party, but you already know that. Perhaps I could mention the apartment party I had planned for Saturday, which has been postponed indefinitely due to lack of available rental space. Perhaps then, I should write about my day which started at 10:55 am when I woke up and realized that I was supposed to be at Lynn's at 11 am. I overslept because I was watching Season 5 of Sex and the City till 4 am. I got there at 11:27 am and we picked Roy and Phoung up and headed into the city for some serious shopping. My only involvement in the whole entire shopping process was buying a box of Lancome Juicy Bar. We each bought one, and my wallet wailed in protest. I could write about how broke I was after that one purchase. I could write about the mad rush home at peak hour traffic, that didn't turn out to be as bad as it normally is, so that mom could take me to see the chinese woman that will fix my (ouch) ankle. I also could write about how the skies were feuding and I almost got my newly bandaged foot wet in the resulting torrent of rainwater. Almost. I could also procrastinate and not write anything at all today. Perhaps I shall do just that.
Replies: 1 Comment
I hate Tamarind Springs. If not we would have a place to skinny dip. To tell ghost stories, while drinking, no one want to get sober because it would be too scary to walk up the club house. Infamous quote at the pre-Tamarind Springs drinking session. "Hey [insert name here], what's that white thing behind you?" NO, I never knew what was it, because we dare not look back, instead we chug down the vodka.
Posted by vlad @ 01/28/2004 06:00 PM GMT
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