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02/11/2023 Entry: "Twenty Three"
 Twenty Three
i'm officially a year older today and one of the first things I did was to embarass myself on camera. Diana, who is interning for Channel V, came over sometime during lunch to film public opinions for a Valentines Day special. The first question to me goes.. "Which celeb face would your perfect guy have?" My (very confident) answer? Ed Norton. When I told Nik about it, he thought I picked Ed Norton for his butt. They were 'constructing' the perfect guy and we were supposed to pick one of five body parts and associate one desirable male celeb to it. Out of the five - face, arms, abs, butt and legs - I picked face. Only, I mistook Ed Norton for the delectable Ed Burns. Lucky thing Diana allowed me to redeem myself and reshot the clip after I made a panicked call to her and told her that as a friend she should never let me appear on regional TV saying that I think Ed Norton is so hot I'd shag him for his face. Phew. So, Ed Burns it is:  Burns: Oh so HAHT I'd shag him for his face.Someone please tie him up in a ribbon, please.
Origins of Valentine's Day Words Cupid, in Roman Mythology, is the god of love. He was said to be the son of Mercury and Venus. (Cupid's Greek counterpart is Eros.) In Latin, the name was Cupidines, a personification of cupido, "desire, love" (from cupere, "to desire or long for"). Heart can be traced back from Old English (c 725) and has cognates in Old Frisian, Old Saxon, Middle Dutch, Old High German, Old Icelandic, Danish, Norwegian, and Gothic back to Proto-Germanic. The spelling was herte until about 1500 when it was spelled heart by analogy of pronunciation with heat, stream, etc. The Indo-European root is shared with Latin cor, cord- and Greek ker, kardia. As the seat of feeling and intellect, heart has been used since around 825. A Valentine as a sweetheart, lover, or special friend was first written about c 1450. Originally, it meant such a person chosen, drawn by lot, or otherwise determined for the upcoming year. Valentine as a card (c 1553) was at first a folded paper inscribed with the name of the person chosen or drawn as a valentine. By 1610, the word also referred to a gift given to the special person. The use of the word to mean "a written or printed letter or card with decoration, verse, etc. of an amorous nature" sent or given on St. Valentine's Day began around 1824. The word can be written with an initial capital or without. The oldest known valentine still in existence today was a poem written by Charles, Duke of Orleans to his wife while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London following his capture at the Battle of Agincourt. The greeting, written in 1415, is part of the manuscript collection of the British Library in London, England.
Replies: 4 comments
yes, ed burns sure is one hott man.
Posted by joyce @ 02/12/2023 12:12 AM GMT
OMG i am such a bad bf. I forgot your bday. :( *cries*
Posted by CHris @ 02/12/2023 04:57 AM GMT
Happy Belated Birthday!
Posted by grace @ 02/13/2004 12:29 AM GMT
Oh so I am not too late to know. Happy Belated Birthday. Ed looks hotter in Confidence, actually Hoffman looks way hotter in it. What a lie.
Posted by vlad @ 02/13/2004 11:49 AM GMT
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