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02/25/2004 Entry: "Intermission"
It seems like ages since I last wrote something decent - and tonight's not the night thats gonna happen either. Work's been taking up the majority of my conscious hours, and whatever little time I have left at the end of the day I indulge in little pleasures.. reading a chapter here and there, replying personal emails (I am only really writing to one person and yet I cannot even manage a daily response) and cooking something nice (although this only happens if I have enough time). Working in a magazine is everything I expected and more. It's strange though, that as a graphic designer I am taking way too much interest in the editorial side of things. Maybe I should just shut up and do what I am told to do, huh? If only. The photos from last weekends shoot arrived today and they look fucking great. I love the whole set up, but although I had fun and all I don't think I'm cut out for modelling at all. For a while back there I used to enjoy the attention but these days I find myself preferring to stay behind the scenes. Plus, there is not much need for all the extra attention because I have Nik. I know I'm lucky that I enjoy what I do.
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