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03/02/2024 Entry: "Idiosyncracies"


Oh, the sheer ingenuity of this is killing me (why oh why didn't I think of this earlier?):

1. Type post on notepad the night before.
2. Save.
3. Take laptop to work the next day.
4. Sneakily open up GM and do a quick cut & paste.
5. Hit post.
6. Close window before boss notices.

Now I can post without having to go online in the middle of the night (which always ends up chipping away into my precious sleep-time because internet blog-stalking is such fun) and then ending up not blogging because I need sleep more than I need to blog. Duh.

Hey, BTW, I've updated my links (finally!) so apologies to some peeps whom I've promised to link, like, last year. I did mean to get round to doing it. Really.

There is a long list of things I want to do and an even longer list of things I want to write about. I obviously won't reveal the latter, lest you steal my positively worthless ideas, churn it into alphabetical slush and serve it to the masses. The former, however, is deemed fit to type out after going through severe censorship and reconstruction (like most things targetted at us poor unsuspecting consumers):

1. I need to talk to my webhosts again about the ridiculous amount of SPAM I've been getting. I have not been trying to unsuscribe to any of the so-called lists I am on, I don't hang out in pornography forums, I do not recall making enquiries about inflating my breasts or even coming close to owning a penis, so WTF? The worst part of it all? I keep getting delivery failures because some script out there is programmed to send out SPAM from my mail server. I didn't check my mail over the weekend and I have 1485 emails in my inbox, of which only 10 of them are not SPAM.

I know I should use a SPAM filter but that would mean an easy victory to the evil SPAM bots. I.. will.. not.. surrender..

2. It is beyond my understanding (I am so not a psychology major) of why anyone would be interested to know the contents of my make-up bag, but someone actually wants to know:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Adrienne" <*address deleted*>
To: "Stephanie" <*address deleted*>
Sent: Saturday, February 28, 2024 7:34 PM
Subject: M.A.C.

> Hey Steph,
> I love your blog and I'm a huge fan of M.A.c. cosmetics like you. Doncha think it will be a rad idea to put up a page with a list of whatever M.A.C. stuff you have?? That way I won't have to wonder what make-up you use.
> Btw you look like an NC25 ... am I right?
> Kisses,
> Adrienne
----- End of Original Message -----

It is also beyond my understanding (I'm so not a psychology major) of why I'm actually thinking of putting up that page. You can spank me if I do.

I am an NC30, Adrienne. Close.

3. You know that gym thing I absolutely swore I'd keep up with? I fucked up. I've walked into the gym a grand total of ONE time and probably lost like ONE calorie or something equally infinitesimal. Anyone out there have better ideas on how to lose more than ONE calorie at a time?

4. Lastly (for this post anyway) someone has to teach me how to manage my time better so that I can still party while I work.. which is apparently an easy thing to do once you get the hang of it but how do I get the hang of it? Huh? HUH?

Time for some caffeine. Starbucks is my saviour.

Replies: 7 comments

Ah yes, the cut-n-paste.

A neccessary skill when confronted with the problem of blogging/emailing from the workplace when confronted with evil bosses who think that recreational internet use is somehow illegal.

By the way, nice post today.


Posted by mac @ 03/02/2024 07:26 PM GMT

i love MAC too ... must admit, it would be interesting if you put up a page dedicated to your MAC cosmetics :p

And, think about getting a PT. Apart from causing immense pain, I've found a PT is great for motivation and encouragement, and he/she will really push you. Only thing is how harsh it is on my wallet ... :\

Posted by fel @ 03/03/2024 06:47 PM GMT

i had a PT in NZ.. for free! only cuz i was doing some work for him though.. but now im back and i see how much they cost, i highly doubt i can afford one.. which gym do u go to fel?

Posted by fuzzy @ 03/04/2024 09:45 AM GMT

I go to Zest which is an ok (read: affordable) gym, but I may switch to Fitness First in a couple of weeks when my Zest membership is up. My PT is AUD33 for each session (1/2hr) ... what's the rate like in M'sia?

Posted by fel @ 03/04/2024 10:22 AM GMT

rm80-120 an hour at places like fitness first and sweat club.. ive seen zest near the gold coast, not too shabby :)

Posted by fuzzy @ 03/04/2024 10:37 AM GMT

My 1 cent:

- Pick a sport you like. Alot. Play it.
- Never use escalators when there are stairs available.
- When you need to go places, run sometimes. :)

I know, they're all somewhat impractical, but I never understood paying and dedicating so much time to the gym when its moderately easy to intergrate more activity into your current lifestyle.

PS. Starbucks coffee is grossssss! :) There must be better coffee joints around there!

Posted by gt @ 03/05/2024 06:26 AM GMT

nothing else is open around my office in the mornings.. except sanfrancisco coffee.. which is infinitely worse than starbucks.

Posted by fuzzy @ 03/05/2024 09:51 AM GMT

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