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03/04/2024 Entry: "I did it for science!"
 I did it for science!
This article at Nerve [I Did It for Science] made me choke on my OJ and laugh my ass off. Thanks, Kai!
Replies: 3 comments
What with all the recent advancements in bipedal robotics, look out - the future is going to get a little nutty. Wait till Honda partners with Real Doll ... ;) On a related note, http://www.3dslut.com (warning .. if you couldn't guess, its a harcore porn site) goes the opposite way to fairly impressive effect .. dressable, posable sexpots rendered in fully 3d OpenGL graphics. If one is familiar with the Anime KISS format (an old 2d 'dress up doll' file format in which you can dressup and interact in limited fashion with popular anime and cartoon characters), 3dslut.com is pretty much the evolution of it. I find 'virtual' sex, either real-world virtual (as in Real Doll) or computer generated sex fascinating. Can these technologies ever serve as adequate surrogate victims for sexual predators and criminals, or is the very 'wrongness' of the real thing what truely motivates repeat offenders? Are fantasy-enabling technologies like these good for social health, or bad? I swear, I'm more interested in the social implications of it all than the boobies. Honest!
Posted by gt @ 03/05/2024 06:20 AM GMT
i think the technological advancement in this department is very fascinating, yet, I don't really think that it's doing any good for social health, like you put it. I mean, are we encouraged to unleash our urges on manufactured dolls. Something is seriously wrong with that, no? On the other hand, if you're saying that these virtual or real-world virtual channels may be able to contain or control sexual offenders, I'd be inclined to disagree.. mainly because whatever pleasure these offenders derive are from the unwillingness and fear of their victims.. unless someone programs these dolls or something. I dunno.
Posted by fuzzy @ 03/05/2024 09:50 AM GMT
You're probably right. Its just one of the areas of the future I'm really curious about. As technology blends into human life, cybersex turns to vidchat sex turns to .. its kind of amusing to see humanity use its greatest achievements to simulate something so basic to the human condition. Pardon my pervy mind.
Posted by gt @ 03/05/2024 11:35 AM GMT
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