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03/05/2024 Entry: "Another lost post"

Another lost post

Fark, I wrote this entry about internet privacy and security but I forgot to hit post and rebooted.. anyway it was about a little 'run-in' I had with a certain static IP and through a couple of clicks I found the persons whereabouts and phone number.. anyway, my entry was just highlighting the many many ways we are compromised across the bits and bytes that make up the virtual world we sometimes live in.

Replies: 3 comments

I just discovered whois too! We're such clever girls.

Posted by Bimbo @ 03/06/2024 06:08 PM GMT

yeah, whois is such a useful thing.. one more reason not to ever use your real residential address online :) I think I've addressed this before in an older post, no pun intended.

Posted by fuzzy @ 03/08/2024 08:32 AM GMT

what's whois ?

Posted by thisguy @ 03/11/2023 10:05 PM GMT

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