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03/08/2024 Entry: "I!"


The biggest ever blog-challenge would be to write a whole post without once using the word 'I'. If Ernest Vincent Wright could write Gadsby, a 50,000-word novel, without once using the letter 'e' (incidently, the most commonly used vowel) it shouldn't be too tough to write a 200-word post without using the word 'I'.. unless you're a little yellow bird called Woodstock.

I will post up an attempt sometime this week.. if you do happen to write something without using 'I', please leave a comment. It shall be interesting, no?

Replies: 10 comments

me th1nks 1t 1s 1mposs1ble..

Posted by xes @ 03/09/2024 01:14 PM GMT

just put up a picture, that's more than 200 words (1,000 at last count, or so they say ;)).

Posted by killuminati @ 03/09/2024 02:55 PM GMT

xes, i dont mean not using the letter 'i'.. but the word 'i'.. as in 'i am' :)

killuminati, hahahahha thats a way to do it.. but hardly a challenge for you, because you run a photoblog!:)

Posted by fuzzy @ 03/09/2024 03:52 PM GMT

and also food blog!! :D

Posted by xes @ 03/10/2024 06:37 PM GMT

Why would one not want to use "I" on your own blog? Doesn't really make sense :P

Posted by kenneth @ 03/11/2023 12:36 AM GMT

kenneth, its just one post i'm attempting to write.. hehe.

Posted by fuzzy @ 03/11/2023 09:50 AM GMT

It's quite simple really. Just write using a third person perspective. If you do that, not only will you avoid the word I, it'll also automatically make your entry look philosophical.

Posted by lennonist @ 03/11/2023 11:08 AM GMT

hahahhaa!! omit the 'i' and sound more intelligent!!

Posted by fuzzy @ 03/11/2023 05:39 PM GMT

I think -> It is commonly thought that
I want a X -> X is wanted by me.


Its actually in bad form to write essays or thesis' in science using the word I. Instead of "I observed", you're supposed to say, "It was observed", etc. (Ie, you should be avoiding the first person altogether.)

Here's a little taste, in which I avoid using 'I':

One might suggest that it's not too hard to avoid the use of the first person while still implying that the first person is the source of the information. It is taught that in science literature, it is not too difficult to avoid the use of the word "I" in order to present one's findings and discoveries as reproducable and universal, rather than specific to an individual's situation. This is, of course, one of the more important qualities of good science!

Who is going to believe a scientific finding that says, "/I/ discovered this", implying that you may not. It should always be, "It was found that if you follow these steps exactly, it wouldn't of mattered who did this experient, anybody would have come to the same conclusion." Good science is reproducable and should not infer that one's experiences may vary depending on the individual carrying out the experiment.

Or you can take the easy shortcut (cheating?): write everything in 3rd person. Garret thinks you could easily avoid using the "I" word using that technique!

Posted by garret @ 03/15/2004 03:53 AM GMT

i would also like to note that under pants go under your pants

Posted by garret @ 03/15/2004 03:54 AM GMT

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