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03/18/2004 Entry: "Renault Pit Party"

Renault Pit Party

I forgot to mention the Renault Pit Party at Zouk in my previous post, it's going on for three days.. yesterday, today and the day after tomorrow. Here are some pics of the place.. many thanks to Brian for getting us the passes.

Crowd in the main room waiting for the Renault drivers to appear

Renault drivers; it seems only Alonso really matters.. to me anyway. I've always thought he was sexy. Prr.

DJ Fono staring out from the DJ decks

Zouk signage on the exterior of the building

Me and a Renault

This Friday is Zouk's first official gig.. but looks like I'm checking out Unity at Nouvo before Zouk takes off.. I have a feeling Nouvo won't be around for much longer. Am very much looking forward to this weekends race!

Replies: 7 comments

ahh... those are the stuff i missed out. i went at 1030pm. left 20 minutes after. went to bliss. heh heh... will be going on 25th again. this week has been too tiring. don't even think i will manage regenerate. nope.

yes i will help you get out zouk if drunk... provided that i am not... ;) haha!

Posted by kev @ 03/18/2004 04:37 PM GMT

can i get passes for friday steph? :)) *big grin*

Posted by kev @ 03/18/2004 04:38 PM GMT

Zouk is being real stingy about passes man, I would if I had some but unfortunately I'm also waiting to find out if I can actually get some.

Come for Juice Style/Ghetto Heaven launch on April 1st - admission is free before 11pm.

Posted by fuzzy @ 03/18/2004 06:57 PM GMT

i have friends going for mambo jambo. might check it out. i like 80's!!! april 1st... hmmm... it's hip hop night eh? i like hip hop but the crowd doesn't gel with me all the time. will keep ya posted! :)

Posted by kev @ 03/19/2004 09:39 AM GMT

Stephie looking might hot now.

Posted by Chris @ 03/20/2004 07:40 AM GMT

Renault Pit Party?
Beautiful malaysians girls around?
Ok, now i understand why Fernando Alonso start the race in last position!!!!

Posted by Gerardo @ 03/25/2004 05:08 PM GMT

gerardo.. hahaha!!

Posted by fuzzy @ 03/26/2004 09:38 AM GMT

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