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03/21/2004 Entry: "Red Zone Regenerate"

Red Zone Regenerate

We went to Regenerate at the KL Tower grounds last night.. it was really amazing. The music was really good, it was packed mad and it didn't end till 3am.

Eleana, Steph and a Ferrari

RM 30 was a small price to pay for the spectacular fireworks that went on for ages

Nik's found his target.. heh.

Steph, Eleana, Cavin and Kenneth

Massive crowds leaving the party

Timo Mass, Fergie and Ashley Caselle entertain the crowds

Doreen gave me and Nik 2 tickets for the race today, but we decided not to go since Nik has already been to two and I was once upon a time, during the inaugural race in Sepang, a grid girl.. so we gave the tickets to Cheng Leong. I'll see if I can dig some pictures up of me trussed up in Petronas gear - I didn't use to have a digital camera back in 1999 :) Hope Cheng Leong has fun at the races today!

I'm off to go watch it now.

Replies: 13 comments

why did you delete the previous post?

Posted by nona @ 03/21/2004 02:52 PM GMT

wahahaha it was good :D

tang kiu tang kiuu

Posted by xes @ 03/21/2004 07:13 PM GMT

nona - i decided i didn't like it

xes - are u deaf now? hehe..

Posted by fuzzy @ 03/22/2004 12:30 AM GMT

i hate myself for not being able to go. i hate it.

Posted by kev @ 03/22/2004 01:38 PM GMT

how come you don't give me tix?

Posted by leroy @ 03/22/2004 04:41 PM GMT

you look great in red!

Posted by kev @ 03/22/2004 08:45 PM GMT

keke it wasnt as loud as i expected.. :D

Posted by xes @ 03/23/2004 02:48 PM GMT

kev, thank u thank u, but why cant u go?

xes.. after 99 punye race, i could hardly hear the bass at the after party man.. semi deaf liau..

Posted by fuzzy @ 03/23/2004 05:20 PM GMT

you know NICK???... small world.

Posted by grim @ 03/25/2004 08:12 AM GMT

grim babe, i'm dating him :)

Posted by fuzzy @ 03/25/2004 09:23 AM GMT

sorry just popped into your blog today so haven't been keeping up to speed. in fact didn't really read thru but the photo caught my eye. nik of http://niklim.com/ fame?

he's an old school mate of mine. don't mean to be a nosy parker. just winded by how small the world really is...

Posted by grim @ 03/25/2004 01:03 PM GMT

yeah the world is indeed a small place, and yes, thats your man :)

Posted by fuzzy @ 03/26/2004 09:37 AM GMT

Grim... when u wanna catch up, grab hold of Edwin lar... it's been too long since!

Posted by Nik @ 03/29/2004 11:39 AM GMT

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