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03/23/2004 Entry: "Hectic hectic"

Hectic hectic

I've been making up for lack of posts lately with pics. Like Huai Bin says, a picture is worth a thousand words so I really don't need to write all this when I can just post a picture of whatever I'm doing now.. hmm.. is that right?

But hey, hectic hectic, especially today I've been snowed under with work. Anyone who works in the publication design industry will know what it's like when a magazine closes or when something is due to go to print. Unlike the web, a publication can't go live at a few mouse-clicks. Instead, it goes through colour seperation, proofing, printing, distributing.. which takes up a good week or so and that means we have a week or so less to finish up before it's due out. Not that I'm complaining, a tight deadline sometimes gets me like handmade Belgian pralines (yum!) do. Prr.

Not today. I have been dead tired of late.. must be me attempting to party and work at the same time and obviously failing miserably. This week is even more packed. Press screening tomorrow, Zouk launch on Thursday, Pure White party on Friday and a wedding on Saturday.. none of which I can miss.

I'm gonna be screwed on Sunday.

Oh yeah. I forgot to congratulate Pak Lah for his landslide victory. I heard Rudy and Jason Loh (of Hitz.fm) on Monday morning talking about it and this caller called in to say 'Go Pak Lah!' and the crew did this little jingle on air.. funny as.

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