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03/29/2004 Entry: "Rock Cafe"

Rock Cafe

After a grand wedding dinner on Saturday night, Nik and I went to check out Doug's gig at Rokaro Rock Cafe in PJ. It was an extremely intense performance through out with some guest performers - Alvin Wong did a funny dance and Chui Ling sang a duet with Douglas.

Doug on stage belting an intense rendition of Sweet Child of Mine

Nik & Douglas

We left at around 1am and went back to watch Master and Commander. I'm not a fan of Russell Crowe at all but after watching that movie I can't wait for the sequel. My friend Ian is a big fan of Patrick O'Brien and has been telling me to read the books for ages.. maybe now I will go get them (after I finish the 4 books in my reading queue.. sigh)

I wish I had more time to read.

I'm currently reading Angelina Jolie's Notes from My Travels, Anne Fadiman's Confessions of a Common Reader (yes, I'm still reading that one), a book I'm reviewing for PM and Anthony Bourdain's Bone in the Throat.. all at once. It's a wonder I manage to keep up with all the plots, although I find myself having a preference for Jolie's book above all others at the moment. It's hardly literary genius material but it's an honest look at the other side of the world today. Gripping stuff.

Back to work :)

Replies: 8 comments

i never understood douglas lim... i am sorry...

Posted by kev @ 03/29/2004 05:13 PM GMT

oh wow..! pics of douglas lim.....exactly how do u know douglas lim?
he looked so much better with shorter hair..
kev, what do u mean by u never understood douglas lim? you're forgiven though.

Posted by jolene @ 03/29/2004 05:47 PM GMT

kev he's not ur type huh? :)

jolene i have to agree with the short hair thing. this look is so aaron kwok 6 years ago.

Posted by fuzzy @ 03/29/2004 05:49 PM GMT

nah not that way. he is definitely NOT MY TYPE. haha! he just has a weird presence when i see him around in town. i just don't like him. period. hey, one can't please everyone... :)

Posted by kev @ 03/29/2004 07:41 PM GMT

=) that's what a few people have said, kev.

fuzzy, what's douglas like actually? the last three times i've met him he was pretty aloof abit.. but the second time was okay..but basically abit alooflar.
.. how do u know him actually?

Posted by jolene @ 03/29/2004 10:09 PM GMT

Hey Steph,

Just wanna say good pick with Jolie's book. It's very real, as if u're reading the book through an open window.


Posted by Maddy @ 03/30/2004 03:49 AM GMT

jolene, i know him as a friend lor.. a good friend of mine is a good friend of his and i met doug maybe 2-3 years ago? can't be sure when.. he's not aloof at all when he gets to know u better i guess..

maddy.. i know.. can't put it down.. it's amazing stuff.

Posted by fuzzy @ 03/30/2004 09:26 AM GMT

douglas.. dude.. do away with the unshaved upper lip pls. 5 o'clock shadows are so not you.

Posted by haha @ 04/01/2024 04:29 AM GMT

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