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04/14/2004 Entry: "MEME"


I declare today's post a Meme. Nothing like a little self-lovin' slash amusement to keep the devil at bay during this idle Wednesday afternoon, eh? Let's start with a quick one:


1. Leapfrog - jump!
2. Co-workers - party animals
3. Mustang - rawr!
4. Groovy - Grease
5. Nicotine - smoke break
6. Fast food - chicken nuggets
7. Suffocate - CHcl3/chloroform
8. Myth - Athena
9. Lane - Berry Lane
10. Unexpected - random

Brainlag! Fark, I can't think.. but here's another (long) one. I suggest you don't click on 'comment' and read the rest where I've hidden them because I know I will regret cluttering up the front page when I regain my senses. Please forgive me. Hee.

Nine Layers

Layer One
-- Name: Stephanie
-- Birthdate: February 11
-- Birthplace: Selangor
-- Current location: Kuala Lumpur
-- Eye colour: dark brown
-- Hair colour: dark brown
-- Height: 5'8
-- Righty or Lefty: righty
-- Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

Layer Two
-- Your heritage: Foo Chow
-- The shoes you wore today: slides
-- Your weakness: food, shopping and men.. in that order. Haha.
-- Your fears: squishy things
-- Your perfect pizza: extra beef pepperoni, extra cheese
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: world domination!

Layer Three
-- Your most overuse phrase on IM: LOL
-- Your first waking thoughts: Fuck its early.
-- Your best physical feature: my big ass, apparently
-- Your most missed memory: Wellington on a Saturday afternoon

Layer Four
-- Pepsi or Coke: Coke
-- McDs or BK: BK!
-- Single or group dates: single
-- Adidas or Nike: Adidas
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nestea
-- Chocolate or Vanilla: vanilla
-- Cappucino or coffee: coffee

Layer Five
-- Smoke: yes
-- Cuss: like a sailor
-- Sing: most of the time
-- Been in love: yes
-- College: done that too
-- Liked high school: not really.. I'm quite the anti-social
-- Want to get married: someday
-- Believe in yourself: most of the time
-- Get motion sickness: sometimes
-- Think you're attractive: sometimes
-- Think you're a health freak: HAHAHA
-- Like thunderstorms: no
-- Play an instrument: the piano.. not very well

Layer Six: In the past month..
-- Drank alcohol: about 10 different occasions
-- Smoked: yes
-- Done a drug: OTC
-- Gone on a date: many
-- Gone to the mall: work next to one
-- Eaten sushi: only about 20 times
-- Been on stage: nope
-- Been dumped: nope
-- Gone skating: nope
-- Baked cookies: nope
-- Gone skinny dipping: only if I can dip myself skinny :P
-- Dyed your hair: nope
-- Stolen anything: a bin

Layer Seven: Ever..
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: Christmas of 2001 with a bunch of complete strangers in a bar (Finnegan's) I've never stepped into prior.. it was funny. I didn't have to take anything off except my shoes.
-- If so, was it mixed company: Yes
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Many, many times. Well, actually about 5 to be precise. By trashed I mean close-to-comatose trashed.
-- Been caught 'doing it': hell no
-- Been called a tease: yes
-- Got beaten up: I beat someone up.. does that count?
-- Shoplifted: nope
-- Changed who you were to fit in: I don't need to.. I already have about 8 different personalities.. apparently

Layer Eight
-- Age you hope to be married: sometime in the next decade would be nice
-- Numbers and names of children: I try to live one day at a time
-- Describe your dream wedding: small, on a beach somewhere, jazz 4-piece
-- How do you want to die? I don't
-- What do you want to be when you grow up? whats this, a quiz for 10 year olds?
-- What country would you most like to visit? Spain, Greece, Cambodia, Egypt

Layer Nine
-- Number of drugs taken illegally: one
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: two
-- Number of CDs that I own: 300? didn't bother counting them
-- Number of piercings: two
-- Number of tattoos: one
-- Number of times my name has appeared in newspapers/magazines: about 10?
-- Number of scars on my body: I dunno
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: three

Think it took me longer to type it than to answer it. I am so unco today it's not funny.

Random quiz I found somewhere

1. Whats your favourite type of cheese?
Cheddar and herb Brie. This is a cheesy question.

2. If you could be in a musical, which one would you be in and what part would you play?
I don't know many musicals to begin with, but I would've loved to be one of girls in Chicago.

3. Have you ever worn a tutu or had aspirations to wear one?
Used to do ballet, once upon a time. Never wore a tutu though.

4. Whats your favourite poem?
This is a tough question. I don't really have one, but I like Edgar Allen Poe. Almost bought a book of his poems during lunch today.

5. Who's your favourite poet?
I'm psychic!

6. What song makes you cry within the first few seconds of hearing it?
Someone like you - Van Morrison

7. What song makes you laugh?
Anything by Aqua.

8. What song do you have to dance to no matter where you are when you hear it?
I do have some self control you know.

9. Who old were you when you had your first kiss, and with whom?
I'm so tempted to not answer this. I was 14 but I can't say his name..

10. What posters were on the walls of your bedroom in high school?
OMG. Hahahaha.. Mostly of Keanu Reeve movies, some of which I still have somewhere. I remember the 'Walk in the Clouds' one most prominently. I also had some NBA stuff for a while when I went through this ball phase and was convinced Shaq would be a good shag. Umm. Not really.

11. If you could have any room in your home completely made over into a crazy-ass theme room, what would it be?
My room, into a crazy-ass minimalistic glass/metal/industrial room (well, as crazy-ass as minimalist gets anyway) with some of Ayala Serfaty's stuff. It might help if my room was bigger. Or if I could borrow someone's loft somewhere.

12. If you were in a boy band, what band would you be in and who would you be?
Ronan Keating of Boyzone. Only hypothetically, of course.

13. If you could have a house made of food, which type of food would you choose?
A waffle house! No, wait.. chocolate would be good but probably not in this weather.. or cheese. Cheese is good.

14. Would you ever wanna make out with Johnny Depp?
Err. No thanks.

15. If you could go on a date with any rock star, who would it be and what would you do?
Rock star? Ahhhhh.. Keanu's in a rock band although he isn't your typical rock God.. I'd take him home. And you can watch me play. In the band, of course.. :)

16. Have you ever been a groupie? If so, whats the craziest thing you've done as a groupie?
Hmm. I've been a fan. And I've kissed Stephen Gately from Boyzone.. and two months later he came out of the closet and became Stephen Gay-ly. Pfft.

17. What book do you tell all your friends to read?
Whatever book I want them all to read at the time. This month it's Angelina Jolie's book.. last month it was Jhumpa Lahiri's Interpreter of Maladies.

18. What movie can you watch, rewind, and watch again from start to finish each time?
Are you mad? If I had that much time on my hands I wouldn't be doing this quiz..

19. Who is your favourite artist?
Jason Brooks.. not because his work is trendy but because he was the one who made it trendy. And because it's digital.

20. If you were a drag queen, what would your stage name be?
Feel free to leave suggestions.

21. What relition/spirituality that you aren't involved in fascinates you from afar?
Most of them. I find each and every one deserving of my time, and I love learning about these cultures.

22. Do you think Fonzie is cool?
Heeeell no.

Friday Five (Yes, I'm aware its Wednesday..)

At this moment, what is your favourite..

1. ..song? Don't have one.
2. ..food? raw salmon with fresh wasabi
3. ..TV show? Err.. Sex and the City?
4. ..scent? Armani White
5. ..quote? 'Let's scrap this meme and go to the last quiz' - Stephanie Goh

Let's scrap this meme and go to the last quiz, which is coincidently called, The Last Quiz! Go, me!

Last Quiz
Last cigarette? 12 minutes ago
Last kiss? In the elevator
Last good cry? Too long ago to recall
Last library book checked out? In NZ.. Tolleson Design
Last movie seen? 50 first dates
Last beverage consumed? Nestea Ice
Last food consumed? Economy rice
Last crush? Who has crushes anymore?
Last phone call? Mom
Last TV show? Oprah
Last time showered? 7:10am today
Last shoes worn? DKNY speed slides
Last CD played? Sinatra Duets
Last item bought? Tissue packs
Last annoyance? Illustrator crashing on me
Last disappointment? Not being able to take Monday off
Last ice cream eaten? Honeydew Gelato
Last time scolded? Err. Last year?
Last shirt worn? Can't remember
Last website visited? The Sun

I think I've had enough of myself for one day. Geez.

Replies: 6 comments

steph... oh my gosh... tsk tsk...

Posted by kev @ 04/14/2004 06:23 PM GMT

i know.. sigh. no work today. so unproductive. going back now.

Posted by fuzzy @ 04/14/2004 07:13 PM GMT

nice blog! just wanted to drop a notice that the International Webloggers' Day is June 9, 2004! http://www.intlblogday.tk

Posted by rio @ 04/15/2004 05:07 AM GMT

i did not know you were foo chow! perhaps you mentioned it before and i forgot (i'm notorious for that). my mom is foo chow too.
plus, we share the same goal - world domination! ;)
perhaps we should form an alliance.

Posted by killuminati @ 04/15/2004 03:09 PM GMT

your answer to the cheese question made me laugh out loud in the office. very inappropriate, fuzzy, very inappropriate.

Posted by killuminati @ 04/15/2004 03:15 PM GMT

rio - ooh! thanks!

killuminati - yes i am! and i suspected you might be, since you're from east malaysia and all. world domination! w00t!

as for the cheesy thing.. it was just asking for it.. :)

Posted by fuzzy @ 04/15/2004 08:22 PM GMT

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