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04/16/2004 Entry: "Rrr!"
Thoughts of you bursts open the crimson dam; driven through the river of Fire by an escalating pulse. What part might you play next?
Replies: 7 comments
Correct me if I'm wrong; 'Thoughts of you burst open the crimson', - means that whatever that is on your mind right now is capable of making you burst a blood vessel? or 'crimson dam' could also mean getting your period? 'driven through the river of Fire by an escalating pulse'- hmm..if i'm correct about your period, then you must now be having some bad cramps or it could also mean a desire for some kind of...inspiration, perhaps? What part might you play next?- ahh..invoking The 7 stages of Men that questions one's role in life by Shakespear ( did i spell that correctly? ). Either that or you're questioning when is your next period?
Posted by mimi @ 04/16/2004 08:02 PM GMT
Posted by Beng99 @ 04/17/2004 01:57 AM GMT
hahahaa.. err, it's really got nothing to do with my period. metaphors.. river of Fire.. crimson dam.. *shrug* I sure hope the day that thoughts of someone makes my period come won't happen.. otherwise i'd be constantly on pms.. desire for inspiration.. yes. i'm not exactly a good writer ;p
Posted by fuzzy @ 04/18/2004 07:39 PM GMT
Thoughts of you bursts open the crimson dam; driven through the river of Fire by an escalating pulse. What part might you play next? my version: tots of u make me vomit blood very tulan vomit until bohlat kanasai, u seepeh chialat
Posted by Beng99 @ 04/20/2004 07:17 AM GMT
what exactly is your problem with me, beng99? there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a small penis. i'm not in the mood for this but if you insist on making fun of what i write, then piss off. never said that to anyone here but there's a first for everything. sticks and stones may break my bones.. :)
Posted by fuzzy @ 04/20/2004 10:02 AM GMT
so u dun like my version eh? bout the penis and asking me to off, i am not even in u. nobody tells u that a lady shudnt say that word ( off) to a man eh?
Posted by Beng99 @ 04/20/2004 09:43 PM GMT
so u dun like my version eh? bout the penis and asking me to off, i am not even in u. nobody tells u that a lady shudnt say that word ( off) to a man eh?
Posted by Beng99 @ 04/20/2004 09:44 PM GMT
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